The defense of the dissertation of doctor of philosophy (PhD) on philological sciences at the meeting of Scientific Council

On August 21, 2024 at 10.00

There will be an online program ZOOM and Offline


The defense of the PhD dissertation by Narbaeva Gulnoza Xusanovna presented for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on philological sciences in the speciality 10.00.06 – Comparative literature, contrastive linguistics and theory of translation on the theme “The Role of Conceptual Metaphors in the Phraseological Picture of the World (Based on Spanish and Russian Languages)” 

Zoom link:

Conference ID: 854 8238 0223

Access code: 1


Bakieva Gulandom Khisamovna,

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

Official opponents

Siddikova Iroda Abduzukhurovna

Doctor of  Philological Sciences, Professor

José  Ramón Garcia Gonzales,  

Kingdom of Spain, Valladolid University,

Doctor of  Philological Sciences, Professor

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