Educational policy of the Uzbek State University of World Languages
Document acceptance date: 03.10.2018
Document modification date: 03.01.2022
Uzbek State University of World Languages
The Uzbek State University of World Languages (hereinafter - the University) is one of the leading higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of teaching foreign languages.
The educational policy of the University is based on the principles of the state policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of education and determines the strategic goals, principles, priority tasks of the educational activities of the University.
In its activities, the University is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", resolutions and decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other regulations.
The goals of the educational policy of the University:
ensuring high quality education, creating advanced educational programs in the field of language teaching based on advanced scientific research, developing and implementing new educational technologies, taking into account the best practices and focusing on solving the problems of the economic and social development of the state;
expansion of the infrastructure for innovative development and training of highly qualified specialists who are competitive in the global labor market, increasing their demand for organizations - employers in the field of education and other sectors of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
increasing the contribution of the University to solving the problems of social development of society; education of a harmonious personality and the formation of an active civic position of students;
development of a system of continuous multilevel education;
increasing the academic mobility of students and teachers; expansion of international cooperation in educational activities;
development of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary fundamental and applied scientific research as the basis for the high quality of graduate training;
activation of the transfer of the results of scientific activity to innovative projects;
support and comprehensive development of leading scientific and pedagogical schools as the foundation of high-quality university education at all levels;
expanding interaction with major employers, involving them in determining the content and forms of the educational process and in the material and technical support of educational activities;
strengthening the material and technical base of the educational process by acquiring modern scientific and educational equipment and developing the infrastructure associated with it;
development of independence and leadership qualities of students, the need for constant updating of knowledge, the formation of a highly cultured, socially active and harmoniously developed personality;
development of a modern management system that guarantees the high quality of education, the formation of a culture of quality in the team, taking into account the trends in the development of world education and the experience of the Bologna process;
explore ways of sustainable development, develop an action strategy to measure the success of the university in terms of sustainable development goals (SDGs) for participation in the ranking.
internationalization of educational activities and achievement of the competitiveness of the University in the world markets of educational services.
The main principles of the educational policy of the University:
integration of scientific and educational activities to create and implement educational programs based on advanced achievements in the field of science and technology;
the unity of the educational space: accessibility, optimal use of the available resources of the University for the preparation, implementation and development of each educational program;
informational openness of the educational environment, the provision of equal rights for admission to educational programs at all levels; ensuring transparency of admission and certification procedures;
mutually beneficial cooperation with partners: employers, educational and research organizations, professional communities;
formation and development of a safe, creative and comfortable scientific and educational environment;
- openness to international cooperation and support for equal and
respectful dialogue with educational organizations of different countries;
interdisciplinary approach to the development and implementation of educational programs of all types and levels;
priority support for talented students; creation of conditions for the professional development of students and young scientific and pedagogical workers, their independent work within the framework of scientific societies;
support for the initiatives of scientific and pedagogical workers to ensure the high-quality implementation of educational programs of all types and levels.
Current tasks of the educational activities of the University:
training of specialists based on advanced scientific achievements, modern educational technologies and information
technological base, high quality of education, taking into account the digitalization of all branches of life;
development of a system of continuous multilevel education;
- monitoring and development of innovative educational technologies and programs based on educational foresight;
development of interdisciplinary educational programs in priority areas of the University Development Program and the development of algorithms for inter-program and interdisciplinary interaction for the individualization of educational trajectories;
increasing the academic mobility of students and teachers; expansion of international cooperation in educational activities;
development of the open university practice to implement the principles of modern education: "education for all" and "lifelong education" (online learning, distance learning, joint educational programs, additional educational programs);
interaction with professional communities and employers on issues of expert assessment of the quality of scientific and educational programs and the results of their development, as well as on joint development and implementation of educational programs and professional certification procedures;
- encourage women to apply for professions in which they are underrepresented;
development of network cooperation with educational organizations in the republic and abroad in scientific and educational activities;
implementation of programs for the development and advanced training of scientific and pedagogical workers, increasing the productivity of their activities based on competitive requirements and a modern incentive system;
ensuring the depth, variability and flexibility of the educational process, taking into account the specifics of the subject area of educational programs;
continuous improvement of the infrastructure and organization of the educational process; development of electronic educational technologies;
- providing conditions for the participation of students in advanced scientific research;
harmonization of creative, educational, educational and volunteer activities in a single university space;
providing girls and boys with equal access to higher education at all levels and specialties;
eliminating gender differences in the access of men and women to all types of postgraduate education, creating equal conditions for a scientific career;
ensuring equal participation of women and men in the process of leadership and decision-making in the field of higher education;
institutionalization of gender education in the learning process in order to form an egalitarian consciousness among students and teaching staff;
education in students of an active citizenship, responsibility, support and development of social projects and initiatives of students;
involvement of students in the work on the implementation of the goals and objectives of the educational policy of the University.
Methods and mechanisms for implementing the University's Educational Policy are determined by making decisions in the personnel, financial, information, resource areas, taking into account the results of monitoring the state of educational activities, factors and conditions affecting its quality, including the results of admission to educational programs, the results of self-examination of educational programs , the results of an external evaluation of the effectiveness and quality of educational activities, accreditation of educational programs.