About Uzbekistan State World Languages

The Uzbekistan State World Languages University began its activity in 1949 under the name of the Tashkent Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. The university has a history of 70 years.
In 1992, the Tashkent Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages and the Republican Institute of Russian Language and Literature merged to become the State University of World Languages of Uzbekistan.
Today, about 23 000 students at the university study about 20 foreign languages based on world education standards. Every year, the university prepares specialists with a bachelor's degree in 15 fields of study and a master's degree in 13 fields of study.
University students are acquiring skills in language learning, teaching, translation and interpretation based on in-depth knowledge and skills. The education system is also changing in the fast-paced world that is developing day by day. The connection between language and culture is the main principle of the educational system in a higher education institution.
Future pedagogues are learning the secrets of language teaching at the faculties of English 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Romano-Germanic philology, Russian philology, and English, German, Korean, Japanese, Chinese at the Faculty of Translation Theory and Practice are studying translation skills in the language fields.
It is at the university that students who have acquired skills in a number of foreign languages are currently working internationally in various fields. The presence of the university's graduates are experienced translators, foreign language teachers, politicians, international organizations and leading experts working in various joint ventures, which shows how high the prestige of the university is.
In 2018, a one-year graduate academic program was established based on the agreement signed with Webster University of the USA. This master's program is considered the only one in Central Asia, where young people from all over the world can study.
The republican scientific-practical center for the development of innovative methods of teaching foreign languages at the State University of World Languages of Uzbekistan, which is the only one in the country, is the leading higher education institution in Central Asia for teaching foreign languages.
Today's educational process is aimed at training linguists and translators who meet the requirements of the world community. Therefore, language is the only tool that brings peoples and peoples closer to each other and develops relations between them.
Today, Uzbekistan State World Languages University has established extensive cooperation in international relations. The university operates on the basis of bilateral cooperation agreements with 61 HEIs of the world.
Opening branches of foreign higher education institutions in cooperation, introducing double degrees into the educational process, establishing joint faculties, actively participating in international projects and attracting investments, inviting foreign scientists and specialists, training university professors and teachers is carrying out tasks such as promotion and sending to internships, organizing the study of graduates in master's and PhD programs.
Norwich Institute of Language Education in England, Webster University in the USA, Heidelberg University of Pedagogy and Bochum University in Germany, Sergi-Pontois University in France and Toulouse Institute of Political Science, University of Cadiz in Spain, Validolit University, Adygei State University in Russia, Astrakhan State University, Nizhegorod State University Linguistic University, Kurgan State University, Kokshetov State Universities of Kazakhstan named after Sh.Ualikhanov, West Kazakhstan State University of Innovation and Technology, West Kazakhstan State University, Tajikistan State University of Law, Business and Politics of Tajikistan, Bilateral cooperation agreements were signed with the Russo-Tajik (Slavic) University, the Kyrgyz-Uzbek University of Kyrgyzstan, and the state universities of world languages of Turkmenistan named after Davlatmamat Azadi of Turkmenistan.
Also, on the basis of international relations, positive results are being achieved in terms of improving the qualifications of university professors and teachers. Contracts are concluded every year to improve the qualifications of professors and teachers abroad.

Today, the university not only teaches foreign languages, but also conducts classes on methodology, basics of translation, various aspects of journalism, information and communication technologies, master classes and seminar-training in the USA, England, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, 40 foreign professors, scientists and specialists from foreign higher education institutions of Spain, Colombia, Poland, Romania, South Korea, Japan, PRC, Malaysia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan and other countries were widely involved. It is planned to invite 50 foreign scientists and experts in 2019.
69 students, including 6 masters, have been involved in the process of the current academic year and are studying in different directions. In the next academic year, it is planned to attract 25 more foreign youths to study.
Currently, 12 international projects are being implemented at the university. Together with foreign partners, it provides for the organization of various seminars and trainings, online lectures and classes on the issues of foreign language teaching methods, pedagogy and introduction of ICT to foreign language education. During 2018, 18 foreign specialists were invited to conduct classes for students with the support of these international organizations. Also, more than 10 meetings were held in cooperation with these organizations. During the meeting, it was agreed to implement several technical projects in cooperation with the university in 2019. The main tasks of UzDJTU in terms of providing educational services are as follows:
• to organize high-level training based on advanced, modern educational and vocational programs in accordance with state educational standards and ensure training of qualified personnel;
• educating young people in the spirit of the idea and ideology of national independence and universal human values, love for the Motherland, family, nature and humanity;
• developing and implementing a new concept of training specialists in the official languages of the UN using the achievements of developed countries;
• training of foreign language specialists, teachers, translators for all educational systems;
• introduction of methods of intensive teaching of foreign languages using computer technology and audio-visual means of teaching by carrying out various experiments;
• training of highly qualified international journalists;
• establishing direct relations with foreign educational institutions in the relevant field, concluding short-term and long-term cooperation agreements with them;
• creation of foreign currency funds at the expense of using one's intellectual capabilities;
• strengthening the material and technical base of the university and increasing its property;
• creating conditions for professors and students to participate in professional development and experience exchange training courses organized in foreign countries;
• establishing the exchange of professors and teachers and students on the basis of international relations;
• development of joint educational programs and joint diploma programs with foreign universities;
• it is envisaged to create new textbooks and training manuals, programs at the university using foreign experience.

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