- HEAD OF MARKETING AND STUDENTS PRACTICE DEPARTMENT: Odilov Baxodir Baxtiyarovich Tel: (90) 788 - 03 - 30 Working phone: (71) 230 - 13 - 60
- CHIEF SPECIALIST: Qaramanov Obid Xudayberdiyevich Tel: (99) 755 - 06 - 44
- CHIEF SPECIALIST: Utekov Bekzod Marat o'g'li Tel: (90) 654 - 68 - 26
- CHIEF SPECIALIST: Ramazonov Ulug'bek Homid o'g'li Tel: (99) 334 - 70 - 06
Useful employment links:
1. University official telegram channel:
2. The official telegram channel of the career center:
4.Vacancies for students (private sector)
- Ministry of preschool and school education
- Preschool and school education department of Tashkent city
- Preschool and school education department of Tashkent region
- Tashkent city branch of the Foreign Labor Migration Agency
- Uchtepa District Poverty Alleviation and Employment Promotion Department
- Agency of Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- UzRFA Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhan Beruni
- Private sectors
ADM-KIA zavod.
1. ish o’rni: Tarjimon (Koreys-Uzbek)
2. Ish joyi: Toshkent shahar, Yakkasaroy tumani, Muqimiy ko’chasi
3. Ish vaqti 09:00 dan 18:00 haftada 5 kun ish (shanba yakshanba dam olish kuni).
4. Oylik maosh: 500$~800$
5. Tushlik korxona tomonidan beriladi.
6. Afzalliklar: Rus tilini bilish gapira olish, exel, word , ppt da yetarli darajada ishlay olish.
7. Tel: +99891 4751811
Telegram: @zafar0404 Resume uchun