Department of modern information technology
Head of the Department: Payazov Mirabbos Mirahmadovich Payazov, Doctor of Philosophy of Engineering (PhD)
Phone number: +998 90 929 66 01
History of the department: By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 401 from 12 May 1992 on 15 June 1992 at the Faculty of Higher Courses of the Uzbek State University of Languages and English Philology was established the department of ‘Technical Means of Education’. In 2002 the chair was renamed to ‘Information Technologies’. In 2011 the name of the chair was changed to ‘Informatics and Information Technologies’. According to the decree PF-5115 of 27 July 2017, the organizational structure of UZGUM was changed. Based on this, the name of the department was renamed ‘Modern Information Technologies’. At the undergraduate stage, the department conducts classes in the disciplines ‘Information Technologies in Education’, ‘Information Technologies’, ‘Digital Information Technologies’, ‘Application of Information Technologies in the Sphere’, ‘Fundamentals of Programming’, ‘Fundamentals of Logic’, ‘Theory of Algorithms’, ‘Information Technologies and Computer Graphics in Mass Media’, ‘Statistics’.
Building where the Chair is located: Faculty of Oriental Philology, UZGUM. 4, Zakovat str., Uchtepinsky district
Composition of the department: the department has 9 full-time lecturers, 3 part-time lecturers. Of these, 1 professor, 2 associate professors, 3 senior lecturers, 5 lecturers and 1 trainee lecturer.
The department's undergraduate destinations:
60230100 - Philology and Language Teaching (English, German, French, Spanish)
60230200 - Theory and Practice of Translation (English, German, French, Italian)
60310400 - Sociology
60230100 - Philology and Language Teaching (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Turkish)
60230200 - Theory and Practice of Translation (English, German, French, Italian)
60230200 - Theory and Practice of Translation (Arabic and Turkish)
60230400 - Computer Linguistics
60320200 - Information Service and Public Relations
60320100 - Journalism
60230100 - Philology and Language Teaching (Russian language)
Disciplines of the department:
- Information technology
- Digital Information Technology
- Application of information technologies in the sphere
- Fundamentals of programming
- Fundamentals of Logic
- Theory of algorithms
- Information technologies and computer graphics in mass media
- Statistics
Faculty members in the department:
1. Payazov M.M.
2. Ayupov R.H.
3. Axrorov B.S.
4. Ablizova G.A.
5. Sabirjanov R.A.
6. Aripova G.I.
7. Umarova N.R.
8. Eshpulatova H.M.
9. Sharipova Z.Sh.
10. Umarov A.A.
11. Xidirov B.B.
12. Muhammadiev F.G.
Educational Activities:
The Department of Modern Information Technologies of the Uzbek State University of World Languages carries out educational activities aimed at teaching the possibilities of qualitative and competent use of modern information technologies.
The department provides students with knowledge in the following areas:
- Information Technologies: Students' computer literacy is improved, skills of using online platforms are developed. Classes are conducted on the basis of interactive methods and modern pedagogical technologies.
2. Digital Information Technology: Students are provided with detailed information on the capabilities of digital information technology.
3. Application of information technologies in the sphere: Students are taught the possibilities of using software tools and interactive sites and courses in their professional activity.
4. Fundamentals of Programming: Students learn the rules of creating programmes in modern programming languages Python, C++, Java Script.
5. Fundamentals of logic: study of the laws of thinking or correct reasoning, information about the concepts of logic, which are a means of developing thinking.
6. Theory of algorithms: algorithms, types, methods of representation, problems of solving related problems are performed.
7. Information technologies and computer graphics in the media: to familiarize students with actual technologies of acquiring new knowledge and skills of using information and communication technologies of computer graphics in the media sphere, necessary for their future professional activity, possibilities of using information and communication technologies in solving professional tasks in the media sphere.
The Department of Modern Information Technologies of the Uzbek State University of World Languages plays an important role in training students as highly qualified specialists.
Spiritual-educational activities: the Department of Modern Information Technologies organizes many spiritual-educational events, scientific seminars and master-classes within the framework of cooperation. The spiritual-educational activities of the department are aimed at fulfilling the objectives of the third initiative - to organize the effective use of computer technologies and the Internet among the population and young people. Seminars and open classes are organized to improve computer literacy.
The department's partner organizations:
- Military Institute of ICT and Communications;
- Tashkent State Law University;
- Academic Lyceum at the Uzbek State University of World Languages.
Department Accomplishments:
The International Traditional Online Research and Practice Conference on “Computational Linguistics: Problems and Solutions” was held on 19 April 2021.
The international traditional online academic-practical conference ‘Computer Linguistics: Problems and Solutions’ was held on 16 May 2022.
Publications of professors and lecturers of the department:
- Akhrarov B.S. Issues of teaching ‘Use of cloud technologies’ in training bachelors in the direction of ‘Information service and public relations’ on the basis of a systematic approach. Journal ‘Modern Education’ (Journal of OAC). In the July 2024 issue.
- Eshpulatova H.M. Use of big data technologies (big data) in e-commerce. Journal of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics 2024 2/1
- Akhrarov B.S. Analysis of cloud computing technologies for training and use in the educational process International Scientific and Practical Journal ‘Theory and Practice of Modern Science’ June-July 2024.
- Ayupov R., Ablizova G., Aripova G. Prospects of using digital technologies in e-commerce. Innovative Development in Educational Activities ISSN: 2181-3523 VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 4 | 2024, 164-175 pages
- Ayupov R., Ablizova G., Aripova G. PROSPECTS FOR THE USE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE. Economics and Society № 4 (119) 2024
- Umarova N.R. Some considerations on teaching binary relations. (ISSN. 2010-5320) (OAK). Scientific-theoretical and methodical journal 3/2024
- Umarova Nadira Rakhmonovna - Some issues of teaching maths to philologists Economy and Society. No. 4 (119) April 2024.
- Sabirjonov R.A. The use of artificial intelligence in training linguists Economy and Society № 5 (120) 2024.
- Ablizova G.A.; M. Mirzakarimova.-How artificial intelligence is changing translation in the digital era best journal of innovation in science, research and development ISSN: 2835- 3579, Volume: 03 Issue : 03| 2024, https://www.bjisrd. com/index.php/bjisrd/article/view/1782
- Ablizova G.A.; Aripova G.I.- Artificial intelligence and its role in human activities Vol. 4 No. 6 (2024): Multidis-ciplinary Journal of Science and Technology ( ISSN: 2582-4686 SJIF 2021-3.261,SJIF 2022-2.889, https://zenodo .org/ records/11099336
- Sharipova Zulfiya Shokirjonovna - Involvement of women in scientific activities in Uzbekistan EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH;
- Sharipova Z.Sh. Student of group OT-23-01 Yeralieva M. - Role of Women in Innovations of Modern Science EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH;
- Sharipova Z.Sh. Trends in the development of digital economy: in search of new horizons and its security in Uzbekistan. II International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Postgraduates
- Sharipova Zulfiya Shokirjonovna, Importance of safe delivery of information in the modern world. ‘Practical problems and solutions to the use of theoretical laws in the sciences of the 21st century (PPSUTLSC-2024)’. (Toshkent, 2024-yil 6-8-may)
- Eshpulatova H.M. Interdisciplinary Integration of Mathematics. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE "THE TIME OF SCIENTIFICPROGRESS " 2024Warsaw, (Poland)
- Umarova N.R. The use of elements of mathematical logic in the formation of world outlook of highly qualified, modern women. International Scientific and Practical Conference on ‘The Role of Women and Girls in the Development of Information Technology’ (Toshkent amaliy fanlar universiteti ‘Informatika va Umumiqtisod’ kafedrasi ‘Innovative Academy RSC’ ilmiy tadqiqotlar markazi bilan hamkorlikda), 24 May 2024 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH
- Ablizova G. A., Aripova G. Use of artificial intelligence tools in pedagogical research and education. Issues of application of innovative and digital technologies in the education system. international scientific and practical conference. 6-7 May 2024 T.:TDPU, 2024.(878-886)
- Mukhammadiev F.G. Collection of theses of the international scientific-practical conference on the theme ‘Problems of using innovative and digital technologies in the education system’ for students of the direction ‘Philology and language teaching’. - Tashkent, 2024. 6-7 May. - Б. 430-432.
- Akhrarov B.S. Innovative approaches based on the use of information and digital technologies in teaching Russian language ‘Psychological aspects of the formation of meikult-tural communication of students in the era of globalisation’. Collection of international scientific and practical conference. Vol. I. 4-5 April 2024 Astana - 2024.
- Akhrarov B.S., Alimova M.U. Digital technologies are the basis of orientation of youth to innovative activity ‘Psychological aspects of formation of meicultural communication of students in the era of globalisation’. Collection of international scientific - practical conference Volume I. 4-5 April 2024 Astana - 2024.
- Akhrarov B.S. Ethical Problems of Using Artificial Intelligence in Education, Collection of International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Artificial Intelligence in Education: Problems and Solutions’. 30 April 2024, Tashkent sh. 64-71 с.
- Payazov M.M., Sabirzhanov R.A. Actual problems of attracting women to the use of digital wireless telecommunications, collection of materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference ‘The role of women in the development of information technologies’. Scientific-methodical journal ‘Eurasi-an journal of academic research’: №05 Special Issue. 2024. 477-480.
- Ayupov R.H. The use of modern digital technologies in language education. Issues of application of innovative and digital technologies in the education system. international scientific-practical conference. 6-7 May 2024 T.:TDPU, 2024.(266-270)
The name of the research area of the department:
“Improving the quality and effectiveness of education through mathematical analysis and information and communication technologies”.