Department of English Language Teaching Methodology No. 3
Head of the Department: Daliyeva Madina Xabibullayevna
Reception hours: Monday-Friday (14:00-17:00)
Phone number: +998977372112
When the department started its activities: Since August 26th 2021
Full-time staff: 23 professor-teachers, 3 PhD
Internal part-time: 2 people
Senior Lecturers: 3 people
Lecturers: 11 people
When the Head of the Department started his activities: 26th of August 2021
Subjects taught at the department:
- Integrated Course of Foreign Language Teaching
- Research writing
- Comparative Typology
- Theory and Practice of Translation
- Text Analysis
- Stylistics
- The history of the language study
- Lexicography
Research activities of the department
• Daliyeva Madina Xabibullayevna, The author published 2 monographs entitled " Тенденции развития полисемии лингвистических терминов в английском, узбекском и русском языках” and “Когнитивные модели полисемии лингвистических терминов” and articles and theses in 36 international journals and conferences.
Department Achievements:
Dalieva Madina Khabibullayevna. In 2022, she defended herdoctoral dissertation "Polysemy of Linguistic Terms in Different System Languages (on the Material of the English, Uzbek and Russian Languages)" and obtained the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Phd) in philology. The Basic Rules, conclusions and recommendations of the dissertation research were discussed at 5 Republican and 4 international scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical conferences.
37 scientific works have been published by Madina Khabibullaevna including 2 monograph, 14 scientific articles in scientific journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the publication of the main scientific results of doctoral research, and 12 articles have been published in foreign scientific journals.