“Doktorantlar uyushmasi” faoliyati

Ilmiy tadqiqot ish olib borayotganlar dissertatsiyalari  va ijod bilan shug‘ullanish uchun erkin sharoit yaratish, ularni birlashtirish, ilmiy-ijodiy yutuqlarini o‘zaro targ‘ib qilishlariga ko‘maklashish borasida “Doktorantlar uyushmasi” faoliyati yo‘lga qo‘yilgan. 2024-yil O‘zbekiston davlat jahon tillari universitetining oliy ta’limdan keyingi ta’lim instituti doktorant, tayanch doktorant va stajyor tadqiqotchilarning  “Doktorantlar Uyushmasi” tasdiqlangan rejaga muvofiq o‘z faoliyatini olib bordi. 2024 yil 5-20 iyun kunlari “Doktorantlar Uyushmasi” bo‘lib o‘tdi. Uyushmada barcha 10 ta ixtisosliklar bo‘yicha tadqiqot olib borayotgan doktorant, tayanch doktorant va stajyor tadqiqotchilar o‘zlarining taqdimotlari bilan ishtirok etishdi.

Doktorantlar uyushmasi

Activity of  “Doctoral Students' Association

The work of the “Doctoral Students' Association” has been established in order to create free conditions for working in scientific research, to combine them, to promote their scientific and creative achievements among themselves.

In 2024, the Institute of higher education of the Uzbekistan State University of world languages conducted its activities in accordance with the approved plan of the  “Doctoral Students' Association” of doctoral, base doctoral and trainee researchers.

The “Doctoral Students' Association” was held on June 5-20, 2024. The association was attended by PhD, Foundation PhD and trainee researchers who were researching in all 10 specializations with their presentations.






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