Extended Scientific Meeting for Discussing Doctoral Dissertation within the department will be held at 12.00 p.m. on September 04, 2024 offline and online format via ZOOM platform


Extended Departmental Scientific Meeting for Discussing PhD dissertation by Nazarov Vahobjon Shamshiddinovich (doctor of Philosophy in Humanitarian Sciences (PhD), senior lecturer , presented for obtaining the degree of doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD) in the specialty 13.00.02 – Theory and Methodology of Teaching and Upbringing (French Language) on the theme “Developing students’ speech competences in French based on multimedia educational tools (in the example of general secondary education system)”. 

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87452376988?pwd=gOh2vHEZrzTPhOEUUh1DWm2vr84Uu2.1

Conference ID: 874 5237 6988

Access code: 1

Scientific supervisor:

Nasirov Abdurahim Abdimutalipovich, doctor of Science in Philology (DSc), professor


Shasaidova Lola Shomaqsudovna, doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD)

Abdullayeva Feruza Suyunovna, doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), docent

Mamatqulova Nilufar Fayzullaqulovna, doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD)

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