International Relations Department of Uzbekistan State World Languages University was set up in 1992, from the date of establishment of the University according to the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan No 401 dated May 12, 1992.

Mission of the Department:

- Represent Uzbekistan State World Languages University in an international arena as a leading University of Uzbekistan training highly qualified specialists with a perfect knowledge in foreign languages, as well as experienced journalists and translators/interpreters to serve high-level international summits, forums, cultural and sports events.

Coordinate the activity of departments and chairs in developing international relations of the University.

Establish and further develop mutually beneficial relations with leading Universities, research centres abroad, international organizations and Embassies of foreign countries accredited in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

- Provide favorable conditions for foreign students, researchers and teachers to study, conduct scientific research, deliver lectures, practical classes, organise seminars and master classes for the students and teaching staff of Uzbekistan State World Languages University.

Organise the visits of delegations from international organizations, Ministries, foreign partner universities to discuss the issues of future possible cooperation between the parties directed to improving the quality of education, enhancing the teaching process, organising student, researcher and teacher exchange programs, participating in international conferences, forums and seminars, as well as the collaboration in other fields of mutual interest.

Send students, researchers and teachers to the partner universities to study, improve their qualification and skills, read lectures, participate in international conferences, seminars and webinars.

Coordinate the work on development and implementation of international educational and research projects, including the project in the framework of Erasmus+ program of European Union.

Organise Winter and Summer Schools/Camps to introduce foreign students and researchers to the culture, history and traditions of Uzbek people by attending language courses and visiting historical, ancient cities of Uzbekistan which preserve the rich intellectual and cultural heritage of the nation.

Structure of the Department:

- Head of the Department (1)

- Leading Specialist (1)

- Methodologists (2)


At present the University is working closely with more than 150 Universities of the world. These are higher educational institutions of the USA, European, Eastern, Arabic, African and CIS countries. Among them we can mention the leading TOP Universities of the world such as the University of Arizona, Webster University, Purdue University (the USA), St. Petersburg State University, Moscow State Linguistic University, Kazan Federal University (Russia), Sorbonne University, Paris 2 University (France), Humboldt University, Heidelberg University, Bochum Ruhr University (Germany), University of Seville, University of Jaen, University of Cadiz (Spain), University of Reading, University of Portsmouth (Great Britain), Sultan Qaboos University (Sultanate Oman), Beijing Foreign Studies University, Shanghai Foreign Studies University, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Beijing Languages and Culture University (China), Toyo University, Tsukuba University, Japan Digital University, Tokyo Online University (Japan), Soongsil University, Busan Foreign Studies University (Korea), International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Ahmad Yassavi, People’s Friendship University (Kazakhstan) and others.

The main directions of the cooperation are student, researcher, teachers and administrative staff exchange, joint and international educational and research projects, creation and publication of educational-methodological literature and scientific articles, organisation of international conferences, forums, symposia, seminars, webinars, teacher training and retraining activities, introduction of double degree programs, winter and summer schools, etc.

During the 2023/2024 academic year 181 teachers and 186 students (Bachelor, Master, PhD) had a change to visit partner Universities to study, participate in teacher training courses, international conferences, seminars, webinars. Administrative staff of the University attended educational and rectors’ forums in Spain. China and Russia, visited other universities to represent the University and hold tralks on further development of cooperation.

Partner Universities, Embassies, international organizations such as US Embassy, KOICA, JICA, TIKA and others provide with volunteers to deliver lectures, conduct practical classes and master classes for the students and teachers of the University.

University organizes annual international conferences jointly with Embassies of foreign countries in Uzbekistan and partner organizations and Universities. For instance, US Embassy in Uzbekistan provides financial support to conduct annual international conference on promoting and developing English language teaching in our country. We organise international conference on PRESETT project jointly with British Council representation in Uzbekistan. Embassies of Arabic countries in Tashkent support annual international conference dedicated to “International Arabic Language Day” announced by the UN on December every year.

International Relations Department coordinates all the spheres of cooperation. It assigns tasks to each department or chair to carry out specific activities taking into account the field of study and research. For instance, Department of English language, English Philology, Translation/ Interpretation and International Journalism mostly work with the partners from the USA, Britain and other countries where English is a native language or language of instruction. Department of Germanic-Romanic languages work with French, German and Spanish Universities, such as the University of Jaen, University of Cadiz, University of Castilla la-Mancha and others. In training translators/interpreters we work closely with Milan language and translation university, London Metropolitan University, Munich University of Applied Sciences, etc. All these departments consult with International Relations Department which reports to the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and the Rector on the proposed areas of collaboration to make the final decision.

Students, researchers and teachers of the University visit partner Universities to participate in teacher training courses, research projects, international conferences and seminars on the agreed by the partners terms and provisions. In its turn, University accepts the representatives of partner Universities on a reciprocal basis.

Students and teachers, as well as heads of faculties participate in various competitions, quizzes and events and hold the leading places in such activities. For instance, students learning Chinese participate in the competition “Chinese bridge” held the first three places this year and will participate in final stage of the competition to be held in Beijing. Japanese language students also hold leading places in Speech contest” organized by the Embassy of Japan in Uzbekistan. Dean of the Faculty of Russian Philology participated in the contest and held the first place among the teachers of language of the world. In September 2024 he will attend the ceremony of awarding certificates to be held in Russian Federation.

At present University is implementing double degree programs with Japan Digital University, Moscow State Linguistic University and Adyghe State University of Russia. Nowadays we are working with Universities of China, Russia and Turkey on introducing double degree programs.

Aiming at introducing foreign students the culture, history and traditions of Uzbek people, University organizes winter and summer camps or programs which include language courses and visits to historical cities of Uzbekistan. University organized such programs for the students from the University of Arizona, and students from German Universities. This year we are expecting students from China, Japan and Indonesia to participate in such programs.





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