Tuychiyev Sobir Abdusodiqovich
RTT markazi boshlig‘i

Absaitov Zarif
Raqamli ta’lim texnologiyalarini joriy etish bo‘limi boshlig'i

Onorboyev G'iyosiddin
Tarmoqlarni boshqarish bo‘limi boshlig'i

Pavel Osipov
Texnik qo‘llab quvvatlash bo‘limi boshlig'i

Boboqulov Azizbek
Axborot xavfsizligini ta’minlash bo‘limi boshlig'i

Center for Digital Learning Technologies

It was established in order to ensure the implementation of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 230 of May 23, 2001. Based on the letter of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education No. 87-04-257 dated 21.02.2017 on the introduction of model staff, the center of information technologies was changed to the center of digital educational technologies. The activity of the center is coordinated by the vice-rector for academic affairs of the university.

             The goals and tasks of the center are as follows:

- providing practical assistance in creating electronic scientific, methodical manuals and training manuals on new information technologies, as well as in organizing their distribution on the Internet - international information systems;

- implementation of distance education;

- establishment of effective use of computer and information technology resources, Internet - international information systems for professors, teachers, scientific staff and students;

- organization of free computer courses among professors, employees, students based on orders; organization of a computer network;

- use of means of transmission and reception of information (Internet, e-mail, modem connection, fax, etc.);

- conducting scientific research in cooperation with republican and foreign educational institutions and information technology research centers, establishing contact with foreign higher education institutions using the Internet;

- computerization of the organization and implementation of the educational process, at the same time, the creation of a single information space, the implementation of centralized remote management of the quality of personnel training;

- updating the technical tools and equipment necessary for information technologies based on the requirements of the time;

- introducing new information technologies into the higher education system;

- creating an information base and updating it with constant information; organization of video conference, video consultation and video discussions;

The number of computers in the university is 1436, of which: - for students - 696, - for departments, - 740 for the administration, - video projector - 70, - interactive whiteboard - 4, - interactive panel - 9, - infokiosk - 5 electronic boards - 7, - number of cameras - 220, - number of televisions - 288 devices.


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