Head of the Department:
Kushiyeva Nodira Khabibzhonovna, doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DSc), head of the Department
Reception time: Monday-Saturday 9:00-19: 00
The activities of the department began in 2021.
a) in the main state (main state - 27, degree-3)
b) outdoor seat-1
Of the 27 members of the Department of English functional lexicon in the main state, 27 have national and international language proficiency certificates at the C1 level:
1) Multivel 15
3) TEFL 4
4) IELTS 4
A few of the members of the Department have trained in foreign countries. 
The main goal of the department: to focus them on Applied Sciences on the basis of strengthening the practical subjects of students of the 1st stage.
The main tasks of the department: to promote the improvement of practical knowledge of students.
Scientific direction of the Department: methodology.
Educational areas taught at the Department: philology and language training
Subjects taught at the Department:
1. Practical Grammar and phonetics
2. Oral speech practice
3. Reading and writing practice
Scientific research work of the Department:
1. Scientific seminars aimed at increasing the scientific potential of professors and teachers of the department were organized:
2. Preparation of textbooks, teaching aids by professors and teachers of the Department;
3. Guidance of professors and teachers of the department to publish articles in Scopus, Web of Science, impact factor and OAK listed journals; 
4. It was published by the teachers of the department in the first half of the 2024-2025 academic year in various international and OAK scientific journals and scientific and practical conference collections on international and Republican levels.
5. Department v.b. associate professor Kholmurodova Madina 10.00.06-carried out research in the specialty of Comparative Literary Studies, educational linguistics on the topic “research of vocalism in English and Uzbek dialects”.
6. Teacher-intern of the Department Roziboyev Joybek Ergash son 13.00.02-conducts research on the topic “Improving phraseological competence in teaching English to students of Philological orientation on the basis of a cognitive approach” in the specialty theory and methodology of Education and training.
7. Trainee teacher of the Department Rakhimova beautiful Bagriddinovna 13.00.02-conducts research on the topic “technology for the use of artificial intelligence in the development of written speech competence of students in English” in the specialty theory and methodology of Education and training.
8. Department teacher Jumakulova Nargiza Rahmatullayevna 13.00.02-conducts research on the topic “methodology for using an integrative approach in the development of media competence of students (on the example of teaching English)” in the specialty theory and methodology of Education and training.
9. Establishment of international cooperation;
10. Publishing articles in collaboration with foreign professors;
11. Scheduled international conference 2024-2025;
12. "Young researchers" and "developing oral speech".
13. Educational literature created by professors and teachers of the department was created.
1) a textbook of English teaching methodology was created for preschool and primary classes; 
2) the educational and methodological Manual of English applied phonetics was created for students of the 1st Year Of The Bachelor's degree of OTMs;
3) " Discourse Analysis. Theory and Practice " was created.
4)” Reading and Writing: Theory and Practice", a teaching methodical guide, was created.
Department achievements:
1. The Department of functional lexicon of English is active in international relations.
2. The department is active in working with foreign students.
3. Professors of the department are active in organizing international conferences.
4. Rector of Uzdjtu in the framework of international cooperation at the Department I.M.On the implementation of tukhtasinov's decision to improve the knowledge of Foreign Language Teaching Methods of Foreign Language teachers of Uzdjtu English language No. 353, a 20-hour seminar-training entitled “Exploring and understanding today's demos for foreign languages: Going beyond English languages competencies” was organized.
5. Kushiyeva Nodira, head of the Department of functional lexicon of the English language, faculty of English Philology, won a competition organized by the Khabibzhonovna Agency for innovative development to send young scientists to leading foreign scientific organizations for short-term scientific internships and returned to qualification at the Norwich Institute for Language Education in the United Kingdom. According to this program, N.Kushiyeva conducted research on the implementation of a cluster approach to education and implemented research work in practice.
6. Head of the Department of functional lexicon of the English language N.Kushiyeva returned from June 26 to July 23, 2024, having qualified for the integration INDUSTRY four DOT ZERO competence and TWENTY First CENTURY SKILLS in EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS PROGRAM in India, at the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Program.
7. The Senior Teacher of the Department Rasulova Nodira Bakhodirovna returned in October to train in the state of Finland.
8. The Department organized a scientific seminar on “innovation in education: the study of the Finnish educational model” for university teachers by senior teacher Rasulova Nodira Bakhodirovna.
9. Several students continue to study in the U.S. State by winning a grant under the” El-yurt hope-finding organic exchange " program at the same time our students attend Republican and international conferences with their articles and theses. Several of our students have published articles in local journals.
10. Faculty of English Philology, Department of functional lexicon of English language V.b. Associate Professor, (PhD) Kholmurodova Madina Alisher conducted a scientific-seminar on the topic "the procedure for writing a scientific article" by her daughter.
Important projects and initiatives
A scientific and practical laboratory was established.
1. Speaking, Reading and Writing clubs have been established to provide meaningful student leisure time. Students of the 1st Year, together with teachers, visited the parks “alley of Merit” and “Independence Square”, “New Uzbekistan” to conduct round-table discussions and debates;-the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 7, 2022 “on measures to further accelerate work on the systematic support of family and women”PF-87-based on the essence of the, in order to solve their problems in life, to support students and girls in every possible way, various events are held by the teachers of the Department.
2. For the intellectual game “Zakovat at 5th TTJ”, professors and teachers of the department held an event dedicated to the intellectual Game of Zakovat between students at 5th TTJ by Karimova n, Khayitboev B, Alikulova s, Zhurayeva I, Roziboyev K, Normakhmatova f, Faculty of English Philology of the State University of World Languages of Uzbekistan.
3. On October 21, on the occasion of “the day when the Uzbek language was given the status of the State Language”, Professors and teachers of the Department of functional lexicon of the English language, faculty of English Philology, G. Rakhimova, M. Khajieva A. Ne'matova, D. Turgunboeva, M. Kholmurodova, B. A spiritual and educational event was organized by the khayitboevs. 
Head of the Department: Kushiyeva Nodira
Main state:
v.Associate Professor b - 1
Senior teacher-2
Teacher-4 people
Total-22 people
Teacher-trainee - 1 person 
Total-5 people
60230100-philology and Language Teaching (Oriental Languages)
60230100-philology and Language Teaching (romance-Germanic languages)
Courses 1-2 full-time and evening education
Western language and literature
Second foreign language
-Of the 23 members of the Department of applied aspects of English in the main state, 22 have national and international language proficiency certificates at the C1 level.       
-In the first half of the academic year 2022-2023, more than 120 scientific articles were published in various international and OAK scientific journals and in international and Republican scientific and practical conference collections.
- Among the teachers of the department are the winners of the “outstanding public education” and the “Presidential Scholarship”. In addition 1 teacher received TEFL and 3 teachers received TESOL certificates.
On November 8, 2024, an event on the topic "security in the Digital World: protection against cyberattacks" was held by professors and teachers of the Department of functional lexicon of English language, faculty of English Philology.
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