Department of Modern Russian Language

Head of Department: Shakurbanova Nadezhda Emirovna

Department Stuff

Main staff:

  1. Doctors of Science – 2
  2. Candidates of Science – 6
  3. Senior teachers – 5
  4. Teachers – 6
  5. Trainee teachers – 6

Total – 24 people:


  1. Candidates of Science – 4
  2. Teachers – 3
  3. Trainee teacher – 1 

Total – 8



1. Practical Russian language

2. Russian language

3. History of the Russian language (Slavic studies, Historical grammar of the Russian language, History of the Russian literary language)

4. Modern Slavic languages

5. Comparative linguistics

6. Practical stylistics of the Russian language

7. Methodology of scientific research


All bachelor's and master's degree programs



- The 24 members of the core staff of the Department of Modern Russian Language, 15 people have international certificates of language proficiency at level C2, 2 people – C1.



Head of the Department Nadezhda Emirovna Shakurbanova conducted research work in the specialty 10.00.04 – Languages and Literature of the Peoples of Europe, America and Australia on the topic: “Sociolinguistic informativeness of polypredicative constructions (based on the material of a fiction text)”.


Doctor of Philology, Professor Dzhusupov Makhanbet conducted research work in the specialty 10.02.06 - Turkic languages, 10.02.01 - Russian language on the topic: "Synharmonic sound system in comparison with non-synharmonic (based on the Kazakh and Russian languages)"


Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Im Svetlana Borisovna conducted research work in the specialty 10.00.04 - Languages ​​and Literature of the Peoples of Europe, America and Australia on the topic: "Morphonological phenomena in the process of synthesis of the sound image of a word"


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Khamraeva Gulshchod Arslanovna conducted research work in the specialty 13.00.02 - Theory of Methods of Teaching and Education (Russian Language) on the topic: "Linguodidactic Foundations of Teaching Stylistic Properties of the Russian Language Dialect to Students of Uzbek Groups."


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Saparova Nurzhamal Begaidarovna conducted research work in the specialty 13.00.02 - Theory of Methods of Teaching and Upbringing (Russian language) on the topic: "Linguodidactic Foundations of Teaching Kazakh Students Nominative Proverbs of the Russian Language"


Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Nasyrova Nargiza Akhmetovna conducted research work in the specialty 10.02.02 - National Languages (Russian language) on the topic: "Presentation of the stylistic coloring of the verb in explanatory dictionaries of the modern Russian language"


Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Yelkin Denis Yuryevich conducted research work in the specialty 10.00.04 - Languages and Literature of the Peoples of Europe, America and Australia on the topic: "Linguocultural study of a literary text in multilingual conditions."


Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences, Seniorteacher Uzbekov Timur Sakenovich conducted research work in the specialty 10.00.11 - Theory of Language. Applied and Computational Linguistics on the topic: "Semantic, functional-stylistic and linguastatistical properties of a language game"




In the first half of the 2024-2025 academic year, more than 60 scientific articles were published in various international and international scientific journals, as well as in collections of scientific and practical conferences of international and national scale.




On May 20, 2024, on the eve of the International Day for Biodiversity, in the course of implementing the 13th SDG “Combating Climate Change”, teachers of the Department of Modern Russian Language Shakurbanova N.E., Morozova I.G., Khudaykulova F.Kh., Uzbekov T.S. held an event “The influence of ecosystems on the psycho-emotional state of a person in the context of urbanization”.

The purpose of the event: observation and analysis of the influence of the natural environment on the psycho-emotional state of a person in an urban environment.


On May 21, 2024, the Department of Modern Russian Language organized an environmental campaign "Clean Shore of Boshkyzylsay" as part of the implementation of goal 14 of the Sustainable Development Goals program.

Teachers Riskulova Dilorom Shagiazovna and Mustafayeva Dilorom Norbekovna with students of Uzbek State University of World Languages ​​took an active part in this important action, cleaning the shore of Boshkyzylsay from garbage.


On May 28, 2024, senior teachar of the Department of Modern Russian Language E.S. Velishayeva held an event dedicated to the implementation of the 13th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) "Combating Climate Change". Students took part in a discussion of how each of us can contribute to improving the environmental situation in the region. Then the students created a social advertising text. The following texts were recognized as original: "Living environmentally friendly is logical", "Give up plastic - your life will be fantastic".


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