Physical culture and sport department

History of the department:
The "Physical culture and sports" department of UzDJTU (previous physical education) was established in 1963 as part of the Pedagogical Institute of the Russian Language and Literature of the Republic. UzDJTU was established by the Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages   and the Republican Pedagogical Institute of Russian Language and Literature on May 12, 1992. In different years, the leading specialists of our Republic worked in the department and performed the duties of the head of the department. Including associate professor. G. N. Nurmukhamedov, senior teachers L. Ya. Velichko, M. A. Shaalimov, Sh. M. Mukhamedjanov, E. Ochilov has been working as the head of the department since 2023.


Today, 9 professors-teachers work in the department, including 1 PhD, 1 associate professor, 4 senior teachers, 2 teachers, 1 intern-teacher. 2 are masters of sports, 5 are candidates for master of sports: the scientific competence of the department is 22%. Professors and teachers of the department have been improving their professional skills at UzSWLU.

"Sports games and its teaching methodology", "Action games and its teaching methodology" by professors-teachers of the department K. Rakhimkulov, E. Ochilov, Sh. Mukhamedjanov, A. Kholikov and M. Shaalimov ", "Physical education and sports" training manuals were published.

Our students, who are improving their sports skills in the sports clubs organized regularly by the professors and teachers of the department, participate in prestigious international, republican and city-level competitions and win honorable places

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