Head of the Department: 

Zamanov Zokirjon Turginovich (candidate of political science, associate professor)

History of the department: the Department was established on April 24, 1999 as the Department of “socio-political sciences” within the Faculty of international journalism of the Uzbek State University of world languages. In August 2013, by decision of the Scientific Council of the Uzbek State University of world languages, it was transformed into the Department of “Social Sciences”. In addition, the Department of “political science” was separated from the Department of “Social Sciences” based on the statement of the Council of the Uzbek State University of world languages No. 1 of August 29, 2024 and Order No. 3561 of the rector of the University of August 30, 2024.

Subjects taught at the department are: “history of political teachings”, “political culture, ideology and anthropology”, “comparative Constitution”, “theory of State and Law”, “Constitutional Law”, “Public Service and personal management”, “applied political science”, “geopolitics”, “foundations of civil society“, "sociology of Public Opinion", "history of Sociology", "general sociology", "family and gender Sociology", "Social Policy", "social statistics", "sociology of Labor and integrity", "fundamentals of diplomacy",”history of international relations", "Legal basis of Foreign Relations of Uzbekistan' (during the academic years 2023-2024). "Philosophy” and theology" (during the 2024-2025 school years) are taught.

The department works on the basis of orders, instructions and instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and innovation of the Republic, decisions of the University Council, rectorate orders and instructions related to its activities.

The total state unit of professors and teachers of the department today is 25.5. The total number of professors and teachers in the department is 26, of which 3 are doctors of science, professors; 9 are candidates of Science and PhD (4 are Associate Professors). The total scientific and pedagogical potential is 42.5 percent.

Professors and teachers of the department in 2020-2024 about 30 scientific articles were published in national journals recognized by the OAK of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in high Impact factor journals of countries such as America, India, Poland, Azarbaijan. Currently, "Google scholar" also has its own page on the social network: H-index-3, i10-index-1.

In order to introduce innovative educational technologies into the educational process at the department, educational and methodological complexes from all subjects were fully created on the basis of the “program of action” developed in each section of the subject. The educational methodological complexes of each faculty member are printed from the publishing house and used in educational processes. On the basis of state educational standards, a working program in sciences and kelendar-thematic plans were developed, relying on Model science programs.

On the basis of the regulation of the Ministry of Higher and secondary special education (now higher education, science and innovation) of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 25, 2010 “on changes and additions to the regulation on the rating system of control and evaluation of students 'knowledge in higher education mussasas”on the criteria for assessing students' knowledge, methodological guidance and rating control tables were developed. Also, the procedure for impartial assessment of student knowledge, criteria and student appropriations are regularly discussed at the meetings of the Department.

Educational materials in all subjects taught at the department are included in the HEMIS credit-modular information system. They cover content – lecture texts, presentations, video lessons, workshop developments, handouts, glossaries, control questions and assignments. In addition, information about his professors is also included in tizmi.

Scientific research work has been effectively established in the Department of Social Sciences of uzdjtu. For example, 2 researchers of the department in 2019, 3 in 2020, 3 in 2021, 2 in 2023 successfully defended their doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertations. At present, 3 independent researchers attached to the department are conducting scientific work.

Several educational literature has been published in recent years by professors of the Department. For Example, Z.7 languages in 64 titles in modern authorship 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 7-, 8-, 9-, 10- and the textbook “upbringing” for secondary school students of the 11th grade (recommended by the Ministry of preschool and school education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2021-2022.), as well as faculty members of the Department V.Ramkov and the head of the cafe Z.Textbook “fundamentals of spirituality” in 7 languages in the authorship of the moderns (recommended by the Ministry of public education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2018-y.); chair pofessori S.Textbook “Theology” for undergraduate educational areas of higher education institutions in the authorship of Rakhmonov (recommended by the Uzbek State University of world languages, 2024-y.); S.The educational manual “civil society” in the authorship of Saidov (recommended by the Ministry of Higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2020 -.); I.The training manual “International Relations”, authored by Dilmuradov (recommended by the Ministry of Higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2021 -.), Z.In modern authorship” the place of spiritual and moral institutions in the socio-political life of society " (2023-y.) monographs have been published.

So far, 3 articles have been published by members of the department in journals that are part of the Scopus and WOS system, more than 30 scientific articles in journals with high impact factor. Teachers and researchers of the department are constantly actively participating in international and Republican conferences. In 2018-2020, the department implemented a scientific and practical grant project PZ-20170928710 on the topic “issues of ensuring spiritual security in our country during the implementation of the action strategy (on the example of media)”. At present, a scientific and fundamental project on the topic” creation of national and international indicators of civil society " was developed and submitted to the special commission of the Ministry of innovative development of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In the Department of Social Sciences, a “plan of work in the direction of spirituality and enlightenment” is formed and its implementation is constantly monitored. In this regard, constant work is being carried out to explain to students the content and essence of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, presidential decrees and resolutions, as well as other legislative foundations. In particular, the teachers of the department are active in organizing spiritual and educational hours for university teachers after cleib out of the essence of the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on the development strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026”No. 60 PF-January 28, 2022.

The beginning of each academic year in the first week of September, “independence classes” are organized in groups of students by all professors and teachers of the Department. In them, students were mainly informed about the processes of Uzbekistan's independence, the opportunities and benefits that independence has given us, the large-scale reforms carried out in the life of the state and society in recent years, the renewal and changes in the educational system within the framework of the “development strategy”. At the same time, guidelines have been developed for the education of students on the basis of love for the motherland, loyalty to the ideas of national independence, universal values.

The large-scale socio-political reforms carried out in Uzbekistan in recent years are increasing the demand for young cadres with a keen understanding of the life of the state and society, socially active and with political knowledge and skills.

From the professors of the department, in particular, the head of the Department Z.Zamanov is considered a member of the spiritual propaganda group of the Republican Center for spirituality and enlightenment. In this, the Center for spirituality and enlightenment actively participates in events, round tables and propaganda activities organized in all regions, districts and cities of the Republic.

In addition to these, the university is organized on the basis of the public scientific research instutu “study of social processes” by professors and teachers of the Department of Social Sciences (head of the Department Z.Zamanov is the deputy director of this Institute) actively participated in scientific conferences and conferences held at the University and international level and helps University doctoral students work on scientific activities.

The department is also constantly conducting spiritual and educational activities in the student residence during the academic year, meaningful Organization of students ' free time, holding cultural meetings with them, legal promotion and professional orientation.


Head of department phone: +99897-752-56-52


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