Department of Theoretical Aspects of English 1
Head of Department: Akmal Gulamjanovich Yuldashev
Department History:
The Department of Theoretical Aspects of English 1 is part of the First Faculty of English. Until 2017, it operated under the name "Department of English Grammar and History."
Main Focus of the Department:
Theoretical research on various aspects of the English language.
In the 2024–2025 academic year, the department employs 22 faculty members. Among them, five hold academic degrees and titles: two doctors of philology and three candidates of science.
Scientific Potential of the Department: 23%
Fifteen faculty members are conducting independent research for their dissertations.
Department members S. Khamzayev, M. Umarova, K. Djabbarova, Kh. Akhmadalieva, N. Tukhtayeva, D. Jabborova, and H. Urinboyeva have published textbooks and study guides on various aspects of the English language.
Victoria Rakhmonova, Dilfuza Boltaeva, and Madinabonu Khamidova are collaborating on the ACCESS project.
Faculty members A. Yuldashev, M. Umarova, and S. Khamzayev have published articles in SCOPUS-indexed scientific journals.
Department members Urinboyeva, Tursunov, and Tukhtayeva actively participate in translation activities, contributing to the university's commercialization efforts.