Electronic scientific and methodological journal "Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan"
"Foreign languages in Uzbekistan" (FLEDU.UZ), an electronic scientific and methodical journal and Internet portal, is a unique academic platform that provides the necessary information and knowledge for foreign language learners in a virtual environment, provides modern, new language teaching methodologies for language teaching professionals, and focuses on mutual professional communication and exchange of experience. Scientific and methodological electronic journal "Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan" is the first electronic scientific publication in the humanitarian sphere in our country.
An electronic journal and Internet portal on the profession named” foreign languages in Uzbekistan " was established in accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 283 of October 16, 2013.
It is contained in the list of scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which are recommended to publish the main scientific results of dissertations.
The journal's mission is to deliver quick information to readers about the status of linguodidactics, prospects for development, methodology for teaching foreign languages, theoretical linguistics, translation, literature and culture, journalism. It provides a specific area for the popularization of the humanitarian sphere, the publication of scientific research and research results of scientists, and carries out informational activities.
The magazine is open for use. The contents of the published issues of the Journal and the texts of the article are of two types for free use in the site's “Archive” column: a web page and a book layout.