Investments and scholarships

In 2024, 261 representatives of the university teaching staff were sent to foreign educational institutions to improve their qualifications, undergo internships, exchange experiences with foreign colleagues, participate in conferences, seminars, forums and other similar events.

In addition, in 2024, in cooperation with international organizations such as ERASMUS+, JICA, KOICA, DAAD, SES, the British Council, as well as other international organizations whose representative offices are located in our country, 169 undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students were sent to foreign educational institutions to develop language skills, get acquainted with the culture, language and customs of the country of the studied language.

In order to adapt the quality of education at the university to international standards, introduce advanced pedagogical technologies, curricula and teaching materials, in the 2024-2025 academic year, 65 foreign specialists from countries such as the USA, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Finland, Poland, Turkey, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, Egypt, Algeria, India and others are working at the university.

Currently, more than 217 foreign students are studying at the university in various fields. Of these, 119 are bachelor’s students, 28 are master’s students, 5 are doctoral students, 25 are exchange program students, and 40 are students of the academic lyceum.

In 2024, more than 1,500,000 US dollars of foreign investment were attracted to the university through international organizations through international projects and grants.

 Currently, within the framework of cooperation with the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Embassy, the British Council, KOICA, JICA and other international funds, organizations and universities, 19 international projects have been implemented, during which more than 180,320 US dollars of investment have been attracted.


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