List of criteria and requirements for employees implementing the training program

To conduct training in retraining and advanced training courses, leading pedagogic staff of higher education institutions and members of the scientific council for the defense of doctoral theses, as well as highly qualified pedagogic staff of other higher education institutions of the country on the basis of a contract and ensures wide involvement of foreign specialists, educational and methodological staff and practicing specialists;

introduction of mechanisms for continuous updating of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of leaders and pedagogues, increasing professional training to the level necessary to ensure the quality of higher education in accordance with modern requirements;

to ensure and monitor the full implementation of direct and indirect forms of training related to professional activity;

independent selection and mastering of the forms of continuous professional development aimed at satisfying professional needs of leaders and pedagogues based on their scientific-pedagogical potential;

improving the qualification requirements for the quality of training of managers and pedagogues by ensuring the integration of education, science and production.

Professional training includes:

organization of open training sessions and master classes;

work with gifted and talented students;

participation in scientific conferences with lectures;

publication of articles in scientific journals;

participation in exhibitions and contests;

participation in scientific projects;

publication of articles in international (impact-factor) publications;

authorship of invention (patent), rationalization proposals, innovative developments;

preparation and publication of a monograph, a catalog of author's creative works;

preparation and publication of educational literature (textbook, study guide, methodical guide);

scientific supervision of the thesis defended for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Organization of open training sessions and master classes - holding sessions according to the schedule in academic groups using modern information and communication technologies, interactive methods of education, and extensive discussion in an established order.

Working with gifted and talented students - republican and international science Olympiads, sports competitions, art competitions and

preparing prize winners of exhibitions and showing activity in working with gifted and talented students.

Participating in scientific conferences with a lecture - national and international on current topics, innovative directions, aimed at solving the current problems of science and practice, teaching methodology and technology and ensuring the high quality of the educational process presentation of scientific or scientific-methodical reports (information) at large-scale conferences, roundtables, seminars.

Publication of articles in scientific journals - independent research (empirical) results, analysis, rationalization ideas and developments on important topics focused on current issues of education, science and production (within the scope of specialization) and the main scientific results of dissertations scientific publications recommended for publication, including publication in electronic scientific and technical journals.

Participating in exhibitions and competitions - popularizing the results of creative work in the subjects of training by participating in national and international competitions and exhibitions, becoming a prizewinner.

Participation in scientific projects - international projects and programs, as well as fundamental, innovative and practical projects, works performed on the basis of economic contracts, as well as international projects in order to develop coherence between the current level of science and technological development and the content and quality of personnel training lead or act as a participant.

Publication of articles in international (impact-factor) publications - international information on the results of research, analysis, rationalization and innovative ideas conducted independently on important topics focused on current issues of education, science and production publication in scientific journals with a high rating or impact factor included in the database.

Invention (patent), rationalization proposals, authorship of innovative developments - creation of products and developments based on the results of research focused on current issues of the field

Preparation and publication of a monograph, a catalog of author's creative works - precisely the results of the research topic or authorship

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Procedure for professional development of professors-teachers on evaluation
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Information on the retraining course.
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Qualification procedure.
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Criteria and students.
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