Akhmadaliyeva Khosiyatposhsho Abduhayatovna, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences, was appointed as acting head of the Department of Theoretical Aspects of the English Language No. 3 of the Uzbek State World Languages University.

Professional activity:

In 2008-2012 - student of Uzbek State World Languages University.
In 2012-2013 - teacher of Fergana Yormozor academic lyceum

In 2013-2014 - teacher of academic lyceum No. 2 under the Tashkent Institute of Railways and Engineering

In 2014-2016, she was a master's student at the Uzbek State World Languages University.

In 2016-2017 - teacher of the Department of English Grammar and History of Uzbek State World Languages University.

In 2017-2022 - teacher of the Department of Theoretical Aspects of the English Language No. 1 of the Uzbek State World Languages University.

In 2022-2023 - senior teacher of the Department of Theoretical Aspects of the English Language No. 1 of the Uzbek State World Languages University.
2023 - now. - associate professor, acting head of the Department of Theoretical Aspects of the English Language No. 3 of the Uzbek State World Languages University.

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