Ibragimov Bakhromjon Ismailovich was appointed to the position of deputy dean of the Faculty of English Philology of the Uzbek State World Languages University
Work activity
2002-2006 yy. - Student Of The Faculty of Philosophy of the National University of Uzbekistan (Bachelor)
2006-2008 yy. - Student of the Faculty of Philosophy of the National University of Uzbekistan (Master)
2008-2015 yy. - Assistant of the Department “ philosophy " of Tashkent State Technical University
2015-2015 yy. - Assistant of the Department “history of Uzbekistan” Tashkent State Technical University
2015-2017 yy. - Senior lecturer of the Department “history of Uzbekistan", Tashkent State Technical University
2017-2023 yy. - Deputy dean for youth work of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Tashkent State Technical University
2023-2024 yy. - Deputy dean for youth work of the Faculty of thermal energy of Tashkent State Technical University
2024-2024 yy. - Senior lecturer of the Department of “Uzbek language and literature”, Tashkent Architectural Construction University
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