A competition is announced for 2 intern positions and 2 teaching positions in the Department of English Translation Theory at the Uzbek State World Languages University.
In order to participate in the competition, the applicant must submit the following documents:
- A diploma of higher education in the relevant field (Master’s degree or Specialist Diploma);
- At least two articles published in local scientific journals, or one article in a foreign journal with a high impact factor, as well as at least two theses presented at international or local scientific-practical conferences;
- An application addressed to the Dean of the Faculty;
- A list of scientific works (Form 3.4) signed by the Deputy Dean and the applicant;
- An excerpt from the minutes of the department meeting;
- An excerpt from the minutes of the faculty meeting;
- Analysis of an open lesson;
- A letter of recommendation (guarantee);
- A certificate confirming the level of language proficiency;
- Approval of the doctoral dissertation topic by the department.
Address: Tashkent city, Uchtepa district, district G-9a, Kichik Khalka road, 21 house.
Phone: 71 230-12-98