On January 17, a PhD dissertation defense in the field of Pedagogy was held at UzSWLU.
The session of the Scientific Council, which was conducted both offline and via the ZOOM online platform, included the defense of the dissertation written by Gulrukh Eshonkulova on the topic "Linguodidactic Foundations of Teaching English Anthropocentric Proverbs to Students in the Philological Field," in the specialty 13.00.02 – Theory and Methodology of Education and Training (English Language), for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences.
During the defense, members of the scientific council, official opponents, and other university officials participated.
Researcher Gulrukh Eshonkulova provided thorough and reasoned answers to all the questions posed by the participants. The official opponents highlighted the relevance of the dissertation topic, its contribution to the field of science, the level of research, and its scientific novelty, and positively evaluated the work.