Choice of Erasmus+ program to study in Spain!

Dreaming of an unforgettable education abroad? Erasmus+ invites you to participate in the competition to study at the University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain!

When: October of the 2024-2025 academic year
Study period: spring semester of the 2024-2025 academic year.

The competition is for students of the Spanish language course (1-2 courses)

Required documents for participation:
1. Spanish language certificate: B1 level or higher.
2. Motivational letter: Tell me why you want to study in Spain!
3. Recommendation: From a teacher or management of your educational institution.
4. CV in Europass format: Present yourself in the best way!

Documents for the winner of the contest:
- Form filled out in the prescribed manner.
- A copy of your identity document or passport.
- Reference from the place of study.
- A copy of the document (transcript) on the educational development of the current student.
- Language certificate (level B1/B2).
- Resume (maximum 2 pages) in Spanish.
- Other documents such as awards, achievements, certificates.

For more information, contact the Department of Applied Spanish

Don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the Spanish culture and have an unforgettable educational experience! Follow the news about the contest start date and don't miss your chance!

2024-05-28 02-24

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