Extended meeting of Departments for discussing Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertations will be held at 10.00 a.m. on December 20, 2024 in offline and online (via ZOOM platform) formats
Extended meeting of Departments for discussing doctoral dissertation by Nematov Ozodbek Nematovich presented for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on History Sciences in the specialty 07.00.01 – “National History” on the theme “Tourism objects of Jizzakh and Nurota oasis: history, territorial characteristics and development strategy”.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84808189845?pwd=uzo98uimkbE1pc4hOTafxO11f2OdDv.1
Conference ID: 84808189845
Access code: 797051
Scientific supervisor:
Masaliyeva Oltinoy Masaliyevna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Shadmanova Sanavar Bazarbayevna Doctor of historical Sciences (DSc), Professor
Djuraeva Nilufar Dalibayevna Candidate of historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Isakov Bahodir Nigmatullayevich, Candidate of historical Sciences
Karimov Nodir Rakhmonkulovich Doctor of Philosophy in historical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor
Babadjanova Nodira Abdullayevna Candidate of historical Sciences