On May 24, 2024, UZBEKISTAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF WORLD LANGUAGES, UZBEKISTAN ECOLOGICAL PARTY, DANG'ARA STATE UNIVERSITY, FERGONA STATE UNIVERSITY, DENOV INSTITUTE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND PEDAGOGY, and "SCIENCE AND INNOVATION" international scientific journal "GLOBAL ECOLOGICAL ISSUES" in cooperation , DESERTIFICATION AND FOOD SECURITY" international scientific and practical conference was held! At this prestigious conference, global environmental issues, desertification and food security issues will be addressed, addressed and leveraged by citizens, foreign and domestic entrepreneurs, nations, academic communities and industry experts from every part of the world. "to establish opportunities for cooperation, to exchange indicators and experiences, to search for new solutions, to strengthen awareness, to develop scientific research, to attract investments, and to encourage practices against global environmental problems and to study problems related to such topics, to them issues of proposing solutions and carrying out scientific and practical work were considered. Many scientists, more than 100 professors, researchers, students and representatives of the party from various fields of our country took part in the conference held in cooperation with the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan.

2024-05-24 12-44

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