Scientific Seminar for Discussing Doctoral Dissertations will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Jule 31, 2024 in offline and online format via ZOOM platform


Scientific seminar for Discussing Doctoral Dissertations of the PhD dissertation by Karimova Zulfizar Rustamovna, submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences in the specialty 13.00.02 – Theory and methodology of education and upbringing on the topic “Improving the speech competence of students of mathematical faculties in teaching English”.

Zoom link:

Conference ID: 839 6661 0874

Access code: 1

Scientific supervisor:   

Akhmedova Laylokhon Tolibjonovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor



Abdullaeva Lola Tokhirovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogy, associate professor

Ashurov Alisher Abdimavlanovich, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogy, associate professor

2024-07-26 04-00

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