Scientific Seminar for Discussing Doctoral Dissertations will be held at 14:00 p.m. on

December 13, 2024 in offline and online format via ZOOM platform


Scientific seminar for Discussing Doctoral Dissertations of the PhD dissertation by Turobov Jaxongir Ravkat ogli presented for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 13.00.02 – Theory and Methodology of Teaching and Upbringing (the English Language) on theme “Lingvodidactic foundations for teaching students terminology in the field of transport based on a systematic approach (using the example of the english language)”.

Zoom link: 

Conference ID: 83149661505

Access code: 2024

Scientific supervisor:

Rakhmonov Azizxon Bositxonovich, doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor


             Alimsaidova Sayyora Amideevna, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor                               

 Ashurov Alisher Abdumavlonovich, Doctor of philosophy on pedagogical sciences, associate professor

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