Scientific seminar of the DSc Dissertation

October 14, 2023, 16:00 p.m.

There going to be held offline and online seminar via program ZOOM


Discussion of the DSc dissertation by Saidkodirova Dilfuzakhon Saidkodirovna   presented for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) in the specialty 11.00.11 – Theory of language. Applied and computational linguistics on theme “The Phenomenon of Nomination in Terminology (on the example of computer and internet terms)”.


Teshabayeva Dilfuza Muminovna, Doctor of Science on Philology, professor


Paluanova Halifa Daribayevna, doctor of philology, professor.

Yuldashev Akmal Gulamjanovich, Doctor of Science on Philology, Associate professor  

2023-10-12 03-54

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