The defense of the dissertation of Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc) at the meeting of Scientific Council

On October 9, 2024 at 10.00

There will be an online program ZOOM and Offline


The defense of the DSc dissertation by Dalieva Madina Khabibullaevna presented for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc) in the specialty 10.00.06 – Comparative literature, comparative linguistics and translation theory and practice studies on the theme “Cognitive models of linguistic terms’ polysemy in English, Uzbek and Russian languages” 

Zoom link

Conference ID:  81309022597

                 Access code: 1                


Bakieva Gulandom Khisamovna, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

Official opponents

Kodirova Fazilat Shukurovna, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Arustamyan Yana Yuryevna, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Mukhamedova Saodat Khudayberdievna, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor


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