“You are precious and sacred, sacred woman” – A celebration event dedicated to International Women’s Day was held at the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages!
Today, a celebration event was held at the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages in honor of International Women's Day on March 8th. The event was organized by the Faculty of English Philology, and female professors, staff, and students from all university faculties participated.
The event was opened by the university's Vice-Rector for Scientific Work and Innovations, Yusupov Otabek Yakubovich, who read the congratulatory message from the university rector.
The celebration featured performances by famous artists, including the Honored Artist of Uzbekistan Ravshan Komilov, the VIA Marokand group, Afruza, and other pop stars. They congratulated all the female staff of the university with their songs and music.
In addition, the dances performed by talented students and the performances by students of the Glier Republican Specialized Music Academic Lyceum added more joy and positive energy to the event.
At the end of the celebration, active participants and artists were thanked, and certificates of appreciation were presented by the university.
After the event, all female staff of the university were given holiday gifts by the university.