Scientific methodological journal "Philology Matters"

The scientific and methodological Journal “Philological issues” at the Institute of the Ministry of Higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the State University of World Languages of Uzbekistan will be published four times a year from 2002 (19.12.2002-y., Certificate No. 80 as a printed edition); re-registered 02.02.2007 (Certificate No. 0222).  On 25 April 2007, an international certificate of ISSN:1994-4233 was presented in Paris by the ISSN International Centre.

Based on the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 214/2 of March 20, 2015, the scientific and methodological Journal “Philological issues” was included among the leading scientific journals designed to publish doctoral dissertation results in the direction of Philological Sciences 10.00.00.

Based on the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 219/5 of December 22, 2015, the scientific and methodological Journal “Philological issues” was included among the leading scientific journals designed to publish doctoral dissertation results in the direction of Pedagogical Sciences 13.00.00.

As of 2019, it was listed by the United States ' international digital Object Identifiers (DOI) Foundation and assigned a specific DOI: 10.36078 for each article to be published in the journal.

In 2019, impact factor 7.593 was introduced by Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF), an international database countable.

On July 14, 2020, it was registered as an electronic journal by the information and Mass Communications Agency under the administration of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Certificate No. 1089) and e-ISSN:2181-1237 electronic certificate was presented.

The 2020 international database computable Scientific Journal Impact Factor(SJIF) introduced impact factor 7.151.

Based on OAK Presidium Resolution No. 283/7.1 of July 30, 2020, the journal equates articles published in English to scientific articles published in foreign scientific publications.

It was indexed in the International Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI) scientific base on January 25, 2021. 

It was indexed in the International Advanced Sciences Index (ASI) scientific base on October 22, 2021.

In 2021, impact factor 6.069 was introduced by Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF), an international database countable.

According to Order No. 179 of the rector of the State University of World Languages of Uzbekistan dated June 20, 2022, the procedure for regular verification of articles published in the electronic scientific and methodological Journal “Philological issues” was introduced in the antiplagiat program.

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