Bazarov Zakir Mehrikulovich

Mamatkulov Jakhongir Ubaydullo ugli
Chief specialist

Mahmudov Nurbek Avazbek ugli
Chief specialist


The department consists of three employees: head of department, two chief specialists

The Department for Quality Control of Education under the UzSWLU conducts its activities on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", the National Program on Personnel Training, on the basis of Decrees and Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers, the orders of the Head of the State Inspection for Quality Control of Education under the Cabinet The Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the orders of the rector of UzSWLU and the Charter on the department.

Main functions of the department

  • conducting analysis and examination of the sphere of education and specialization with the equipment of SSE, the requirements of qualifications curricula and scientific programs;
  • studying the quality of the educational process of the university, the level of its provision with educational literature and teaching-methodical materials;
  • studying and analyzing students' knowledge of SSE compliance;
  • ensuring the implementation of regulatory legal documents to improve the quality of education;
  • conducting quality monitoring on training;
  • conducting internal certification in the university, determining negative factors acting on the quality of education, providing information to the rector of the university, as well as to the State Inspection;
  • establishment of control over timely elimination of identified deficiencies in the university in the process of studying the quality of education, as well as attestation;
  • monitoring the status of indicators of the determining quality of education, as well as submit proposals to certain structures on identified shortcomings and problems;
  • conducting an analysis of the modern methods used in the process of professional development of teachers in order to improve the quality of education;
  • conducting internal monitoring to determine the degree of quality and the status of professional qualifications of teachers in the structural departments of the University (faculty, department, and others);
  • studying the degree of correspondence of specialization, academic ranks or retraining to professors at the university;
  • monitoring of the training process for the implementation of the plan for scientific, methodological and scientific research;
  • analyzing the state of the material and technical base in the education process, as well as submitting proposals for its development;
  • monitoring the organization of student practices, taking into account the scope and specialization of education;
  • participation in the processes of attestation and study of the quality of education in determining the rating of the university on the basis of the order of the state inspection;
  • evaluation of the quality, objectivity and impartiality of rating points in the process of assessing students' knowledge;
  • carrying out regular social interviews between students, parents, teachers with the aim of studying the quality of education, training and the social environment at the university;
  • increase the professional skills of the department's staff, study the experience of foreign prospective educational and research centers at the expense of the university, state projects or the President's Fund "Istedod" of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as their applying in the education process;
  • joint development of action plans with the management of the university to address the increased ratings of the university to the international level and also to participate actively in their implementation;
  • conducting training seminars and trainings to improve the quality of education in conjunction with the appropriate structural departments of the University;
  • to form a base of experts of public figures, as well as conduct regular training seminars with their participation and tasks;
  • monitoring on the practical application of innovative ideas and technologies, integration cooperation between production and training processes;
  • provide information on the results of monitoring and work carried out to improve the quality of education on the boards and meetings of the university;
  • to present appropriate proposals to the university management based on the results of the study of the quality of education.
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