History of the Department of Applied German Language:

1935-1948: Department of German at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute named after Nizmoi

1948-1992: Faculty of German language within the Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages,

Based on the Decree of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I. A. Karimov dated May 12, 1992 No. 401 "On the establishment of the State University of World Languages ​​of Uzbekistan", it was established through the merger of the "Institute of Russian Language and Literature of the Republic" and the "Tashkent Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages". In 1992, the Uzbeksiton State University of World Languages ​​was renamed the Faculty of German Language Philology.

From 2013 to now: Worked at the Department of "Theory and Practice of the German Language" at the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology of the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages. By 2021, it was separated under the name of the "German Language Applied Sciences" department and is successfully operating to this day. Currently, about 30 professors and teachers are working in this department. The most gratifying aspect is that most professors-teachers: G.Kinjaeva, D.Nurmatov, B.Barno, Sh.Kholmatov, M.Madazimova, D.Nurmatov, and at the same time talented promising young teachers such as B.K.Dzurakholova, S.Norboboyeva, M.S.Majidova, L.Khusinova are recognized in the country and have a lot of experience in their fields. .

At the same time, almost all professors of the department have an international or equivalent C1 certificate.

The department has an association of German language teachers of Uzbekistan, which unites Uzbeksiton German language teachers and coordinates their activities. This association has been organizing training seminars for young German language teachers who have started working in various secondary and higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan.

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