Principles of choosing talented students

The search for talented students is carried out from the first days of study and in the process of conducting vocational guidance work.Students who have achieved a higher rating in all subjects and have a desire to study under a special program undergo special (in specialties) tests.Successfully passed special tests and, at their discretion, performed scientific work, Foreign Language, information technology, students with a tendency to study fundamental and special subjects on the basis of a deepened program are recognized as "gifted students".Gifted students are required to meet the following requirements: to master the sciences at a high level;to master one of the foreign languages (several); to have a high level of computer literacy;to think independently, to express new opinions and opinions, in practice, it should have the features of implementation;it should be aimed at obtaining independent knowledge in its field, and the features of the rapid acquisition of innovations in science should be formed.It is necessary that a talented student complete his special educational and creative work and fulfill the established deadlines, become an example for other students in their studies, in the performance of creative work.

Independent educational activities of gifted students

On the recommendation of the Scientific Council of the faculty to students recognized as" gifted students", in accordance with the order of the rector of the Institute, deepened targeted training is organized.Based on the results of special tests in the fields of study and the decision of the faculty Scientific Council, groups of talented students are formed and independent training with a deepened purpose is organized. Deepened independent training is carried out on the basis of the curriculum. The curriculum of deepened targeted independent training, by adding to the general (basic) curriculum, is compiled at the beginning of each academic year (until September 20), taking into account the abilities of gifted students in the cooperation of the educational department, deaneries and departments, and is included in the confirmation of the rector of the Institute.Deepening (giving in-depth knowledge) independent teaching from elective subjects can be at the expense of expanding the curricula of these subjects, taking into account the abilities of students. The organization of the training of gifted students must be aimed at developing the skills of Independent Education in them.The scientific leader (mentor) creates a special program and thematic plan in collaboration with a gifted student and science teachers, which is intended to be studied in a deepened state.Training with gifted students is carried out in round tables, discussion of given personal assignments, seminars and other forms aimed at interest to students.From the Institute Information Resource Center for gifted students, all conditions are created for the use of some of the International Data. Gifted students are assigned a scientific leader on the recommendation of faculties and departments. The master draws up a plan of results, which he leads in cooperation with his student, which is expected to be achieved at the end of the academic year, and this plan is approved in the Scientific Council of the faculty.The Scientific Council of the faculty approves the work plan of each talented student for 1 year of activity. The Scientific Council of the faculty at least once during the academic year discusses the reports of the scientific leader or, if necessary, a talented student on the implementation of educational and creative plans. If the results of the work of the teacher in cooperation with the student are not considered satisfactory, they will be given the necessary recommendations or the dean of the faculty will recommend the student to the vice-rector for scientific work and Innovation about the removal of the student from the ranks of gifted students.The department monitors the educational and creative work of talented students according to the plan, the creation of all educational conditions for the student in the departments.

The department and the teacher of the student jointly determine the deadlines for the transfer of control work, coursework and other educational work to the student.In cooperation with a gifted student being taught on the basis of a special program and taking into account his creative plan, the methods of passing current, intermediate and final controls on the subjects, the implementation of the curriculum are determined, the student is provided with the necessary literature, methodological manuals, technical means for mastering the subjects, they are prescribed a consultant teacher from the subjects, and the control of the assignment is received within the prescribed period. Training in deepened subjects is determined on the basis of a special schedule, depending on the state of execution of personal assignments issued in cooperation with a scientific supervisor or consultant. Under the deepened curriculum, students with high rating performance and professors who have achieved high performance by working effectively are recommended to be awarded under the established rules.

Selection of professors and teachers working with talented students

Professors with a scientific degree and sufficient knowledge of the student's targeted training program are involved in teaching gifted students.As a scientific leader to talented students, he has experience in creative and methodological work, professors and associate professors with a high rating of educational and methodological and scientific activities are appointed.The main tasks of the scientific leaders of gifted students are defined as: to establish a program for the targeted training of gifted students and to guide its implementation;to study advanced experiences in leading foreign countries for working with gifted students and to apply them in their activities;new pedagogical technology, extensive use of computer and video-audio techniques in the educational process; making proposals for the material and spiritual stimulation of talented students who successfully complete the target program.

Tasks of gifted students

to have a high level of morality, culture and thirst for science, to constantly strive for innovation, to constantly increase his intellectual potential, to be able to use the internet, to be aware of scientific literature, research work carried out at the institute, the Republic, abroad;to study and know English, Russian and other foreign languages perfectly; to collect material for research work and analyze


Encourage talented students as well as their mentors

Talented students who study sciences in depth and actively participate in research work can be recommended by the leadership of the institute:to participate in prestigious Republican and international competitions;to participate in the competitions of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan as well as named state scholarships; work as a research teacher in the Departments of Gifted Master's students or continue their studies in the base Doctoral School;continue the study of gifted undergraduate students in the magistracy;material and spiritual stimulation of other manifestations provided for by the legislation;professors and teachers who have achieved high marks in the training of gifted students leadership of the Institute, it can be recommended by: material and spiritual incentives; participation in the Republican competition” the best pedagogue of the year"; training in educational institutions and educational institutions of foreign countries, to undergo an internship and send to the exchange of experience;the establishment of surcharges;material and moral incentives in other forms provided for by law.Expenses for the targeted training program of gifted students are carried out at the expense of the Institute's extra-budgetary funds.The types of additional incentives and awards of talented students and their mentors can be expanded based on the capabilities of the Institute.The customer can assign scholarships to talented students of the enterprise, organization and institution.

The final provisions of this regulation shall be reworked when additional and amendments are made to the current legislative acts.

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