Alexander Feinberg

Alexander Feinberg is a national poet of Uzbekistan. In the poetic firmament of Uzbekistan, he is one of the brightest luminaries without any exaggeration. His work is unusually multifaceted. He is the author of thirteen poetry collections published in Tashkent, Moscow and St. Petersburg. For his contribution to the development of literature in 2004, Alexander Feinberg was awarded the honorary title “People’s Poet of Uzbekistan”, and 4 years later, he received the State Award of the Russian Federation - the Pushkin Medal. He is the author of fifteen poem collections (including a two-volume posthumous book compiled by the author), and also four feature films and more than twenty animated films based on his scripts. He translated into Russian the poems of Alisher Navoi and many other modern Uzbek poets. Alexander Feinberg’s poems were published in the local magazines like Smena, Yunost, Noviy Mir, Star of the East, Novaya Volga and in periodicals of foreign countries: the USA, Canada and Israel. He wrote seven scripts for feature films, like - “At the Very Blue Sky”, “House under the Hot Sun”, “Burned near Kandahar”, he is also the author of scripts18 animated films.  A brilliant translator, Alexander Feinberg introduced many works of famous Uzbek poets to the Russian-speaking readers. The fact that Alexander Feinberg worked as a translator and was active in introducing our national literature to the Russian people does not leave us indifferent. Therefore, studying poet's works, translating his works into English and Uzbek languages is one of the urgent issues at our Faculty of Translation, which trains specialists in the field of synchronic , written and artistic translation.

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