On December 10, 1948, the UN General Assembly resolution 217 adopted the Universal Declaration of human rights. Since 1950, December 10 has been celebrated as human rights day. The current year marks 76 years on this date. The document, which is a recommendation for UN members, was signed by 192 member states (all member states) of the organization, including Uzbekistan.

In connection with this, on December 10, 2024, in the pretence of teachers of the Department of theoretical aspects of the English language № 3 H.Khujaniyozova, M.Sultanova and L.Khairullayeva, Department Associate Professor, Phd Z.A.Erdanova, senior teacher of the Department Mamatkulova and students of the Faculty of English No. 3, a round table was held on the topic “December 10 - Human Rights Day”.



Recognition of the dignity inherent in all members of the human family and their equal, inalienable rights is the basis of freedom, justice and gross peace, it is considered that creating a world in which people have freedom of expression and belief, and live in conditions free from fear and deprivation, is the noble aspiration of people, and people are born free and equal in their They are endowed with reason and conscience, and consequently should be treated in the spirit of brotherhood towards each other. Current thoughts like this were highlighted during the round table.

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