On June 19, a meeting was held with representatives of the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages ​​and a member of the French delegation.

The program was held in the presence of Stephanie Paliss, a French language teacher of Lyon-2 University of France, Ilkhomjon Madaminovich, rector of UzSWLU, A. Nasirov, vice-rector for international cooperation, G. Rakhimova, head of the French language theoretical sciences department, and G. Masharipov, a French language teacher.

At the beginning of the meeting, Rector Ilkhomjon Madaminovich noted that the university being established in Uzbekistan in cooperation with France will serve to further improve the quality and process of training qualified personnel.

During the program, the curriculum and programs of the master's degree in French at the Uzbek-French University, raising the quality of personnel training in the French language in Uzbekistan, improving the qualifications of French language teachers, and attracting UzSWLU French language teachers to the Uzbek-French University were discussed.

2024-06-24 02-38

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