On December 18, an event was held in UzSWLU with the participation of Deputy Director of the Information Resource Center M.Mukhamedzhonova, head of the Department Sh.Ismailova, 2nd category librarian N.Abdurakhimova, English teachers D.Matyakubova, M.Askarova, O.Artikova, Kh.Madaminova, R.Uzokova, Sh.Abramatova and students.

On the occasion of the birth of the famous British writer Mark Twain, a round table discussion on his work and life was organized at the Reading Week, which was organized in order to form a culture of reading among students.

At the event, the staff of the Information Resource Center and faculty tutors told the students about the works of the writer and information about him. During the event, students spoke about the works which they read.

At the end of the event, D.Ismailova and Sh.Alikhanova, who were considered the best readers, were awarded with non-fiction.

2023-12-18 06-46

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