As the final exams of all students were taken at UzSWLU by June 15, most students went on summer vacation and returned to their families. Therefore, many places in 7 student residences belonging to the university have become vacant.

Due to the terrible incident that happened these days, it was aimed to control the students studying at the university and gather them as much as possible in order to ensure their safety.

Therefore, until the end of the academic year, in order to ensure the safety of students using the student residence, the work of transferring students from two Student accommodation  located in one area belonging to the university to one and their constant control is underway.

Dear students! We ask that you assess the situation correctly, do not misinterpret these processes, and if you encounter any problems with the processes, contact the university management first.

Telephone number for inquiries: (97) 777 99 26 — Otabek Ibragimov, press secretary of the rector of the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages ​​- adviser on information policy issues

2024-06-24 03-32

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