Extended meeting of Departments for discussing doctoral dissertations will be held at 11.00 a.m. on January 31, 2025, in offline and online (via ZOOM platform) formats
Extended meeting of Departments for discussing doctoral dissertation by Tursunov Elmurod Umrzokovich presented for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences in the specialty 10.00.06 – “Comparative literary criticism, Contrastive linguistics and Translation studies” on the theme “Research of lexical inconsistency in translation (based on the English translations of Abdulla Qadiri’s novel “Bygone Days””.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82749909537?pwd=YTBPhybPPI4cbbmIhnEJAuvnJAC40X.1
Conference ID: 82749909537
Access code: 2025
Scientific supervisor:
Xamzayev Sobir Amirovich, Doctor of Philosophy,(PhD) associate professor
Samigova Xushnuda Botirovna, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor
Abdullaeva Shahida Norkulovna, Doctor of Philosophy, (PhD) associate professor
Akhmedova Anorhan Nasivali qizi, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)