A meeting was held with the group leaders at the Faculty of English Philology.

The meeting was organized in the form of an open dialogue and was chaired by the faculty dean, G. Ergasheva, with the participation of the vice deans for youth affairs and spiritual-enlightenment work, B. Ibragimov and Sh. Eshtukhtarov, the vice dean for academic affairs, T. Omonov, and the leading specialist in the credit system of education, S. Bozorov.

The faculty dean highlighted the achievements of students in the first semester of the 2024-2025 academic year, focusing on the processes during the final exams week, the organization of the educational process for the new semester, the planned activities, the improvement of the spiritual-enlightenment environment in the faculty, and the adherence of students to the Code of Ethics.

The students' suggestions were listened to, the problems they face were discussed, and answers to their questions were provided by the faculty leaders.

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