On March 27, the head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Osh State University, Sulayman Sabirov, visited the 2nd English faculty of the Uzbekistan State World Languages University.

During the visit, a meeting was organized between the dean of the 2nd English faculty B. Kulmatov, the teachers of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports and the teacher of Osh State University S. Sabirov.

During the process, a memorandum on international cooperation was signed between the 2nd English faculty of UzSWLU and the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Osh State University.

At the end of the meeting, future plans within the framework of the memorandum were discussed, and a souvenir on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of Osh State University was presented to the faculty.

2024-03-30 03-00

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