The defense of the dissertation of doctor of science (DSc) on philological sciences will be held at the meeting of Scientific Council offline and via ZOOM platform

on October 22, 2024 at 10.00


The defense of the DSc dissertation by Muxammedova Xulkar Eliboyevna presented for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) on philological sciences in the specialty 10.00.04 – Language and literature, of the nations of Europe, America and Australia on the theme “Typology of female prose in Victorian literature” 

Zoom link:

Conference ID: 88590096811

Access code: 2024


Holbekov Muxammadjon Nurkasimovich, Doctor of  Sciences, Professor

Official opponents

Sodikov Zohidjon Yakubjanovich, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

Karshiboyeva Uljon Davirovna, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

Hajiyeva feruza Melsovna, Doctor of Philological Sciences


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