Today, on the initiative of the representative office of the British Council in Uzbekistan, a seminar was held on the topic “management in higher educational institutions” with the participation of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and heads of higher educational institutions. institutions of the republic, in particular, the rector of the Uzbekistan State World Languages University,  Ilkhomjon Tokhtasinov.
 Denise Wadding, director of the British Council, who spoke at the event, spoke about effective reforms in the education sector in our country.
First Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Kamiljon Karimov thanked the British Council for its support in improving the higher education system in our country.
John Rushforth, a prominent British expert, who made his presentation, shared his experience in managing higher education institutions.

As a result of this project, a strategy for improving the management system in Uzbekistan's higher education institutions will be developed by a working group consisting of foreign experts and rectors of HEIs of our republic.

2023-09-19 03-49

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