Currently, in order to enhance the effectiveness of the scientific research activities of talented students at the university, students who are interested in research, possess independent thinking, and have abilities are paired with prestigious professors and teachers based on the "Mentor-Apprentice" tradition, and are actively involved in various competitions. In addition, work is being carried out to prepare talented students for relevant subject olympiads. Furthermore, the database of talented students by faculty has been updated, and the lists have been approved. Students admitted to the 1st year of the Bachelor's program are provided with information about the university's department responsible for organizing the scientific research activities of talented students and are introduced to its goals and objectives.
This Regulation has been developed to search for, identify, and purposefully prepare talented students at the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, as well as to encourage students who demonstrate excellent academic performance, achievements in student science Olympiads, various competitions, and who have achieved outstanding results in the scientific field, through a competitive selection process.
1. General Rules
1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with Decree No. PQ-2909 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 20, 2017, "On Measures for Further Development of the Higher Education System," Decree No. PQ-3151 dated July 27, 2017, "On Measures to Further Expand the Participation of Economic Sectors and Industries in Improving the Quality of Training Highly Qualified Specialists," Decree No. PQ-3775 dated June 5, 2018, "On Additional Measures to Improve the Quality of Education in Higher Education Institutions and Ensure Their Active Participation in the Comprehensive Reforms Implemented in the Country," as well as Resolution No. 226 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 13, 2008, "On Rewarding and Materially Stimulating Talented Youth of Uzbekistan," and the "Regulations on Searching, Identifying, and Purposefully Preparing Talented Students" approved by Order No. 185 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 10, 1998.
It outlines the main tasks that the university community must perform to identify, select, and nurture talented students, ensuring that they possess modern knowledge, meet the demands of the market economy, are proficient in using modern computer and information technology systems, have strong moral character, can carry on the scientific achievements of our ancestors, and become patriotic and well-rounded individuals. It also specifies the forms and methods for accomplishing these tasks.
Talented students are considered an important factor and the pride of the nation, ensuring the social and economic progress of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its rightful place in the global community.
1.2. The main goal of searching for, identifying, and purposefully preparing talented students is to train an intellectual elite that develops the scientific and creative potential of our republic, and to create opportunities for individuals with exceptional talents to demonstrate and develop their abilities in relevant fields of knowledge and specific areas of science, and to realize their unique talents.
1.3. The tasks of purposefully preparing talented students include the following:
- Paying special attention to developing the intellectual potential, in-depth knowledge, and abilities of talented students;
- Engage qualified professors and teachers in individual work with talented students;
- Broadly involve talented students in scientific research in priority areas of scientific and technological development;
- Prepare and involve talented students for the next stages of higher education;
- Establish monitoring of talented students;
- Develop special curricula, modern information, and pedagogical technologies for talented students;
- Train qualified, well-rounded personnel who meet the requirements of employers.
Okay, here's the ready translation:
2. Principles for Selecting Talented Students
2.1. The search for talented students is carried out from the initial days of study during the career orientation process.
2.2. Students who have achieved high ratings in all subjects and have a desire to study based on a special program will undergo pedagogical-psychological testing.
2.3. Special classes will be organized for students who successfully pass the pedagogical-psychological tests, and who, based on their own desires, are inclined to carry out scientific work, and to study foreign languages, information technology, the history of Uzbekistan, the national independence idea: basic concepts and principles, and fundamental and specialized subjects based on an in-depth program, and who are recognized as "talented students."
2.4. Talented students must meet the following requirements:
- Achieve excellent grades in their subjects;
- Have a thorough command of one (or more) foreign languages;
- Possess a high level of computer literacy;
- Have the characteristics of independent thinking, expressing new ideas and opinions, and implementing them in practice;
- Be oriented towards independent learning in their field and have developed the ability to quickly master innovations in science.
2.5. A talented student must fully and on time complete their special academic and creative work, and serve as an example to other students in their studies, in carrying out scientific research and creative work, and in their activity in public affairs.
Okay, here's the ready translation:
3. Organization of Independent Learning Activities for Talented Students
3.1. Special classes are organized, based on the recommendation of the Faculty Council and by order of the University Rector, for students who have high ratings in subjects, have successfully passed pedagogical-psychological tests, and who, according to their own desires, are inclined to carry out scientific research, and to study a second foreign language, information technology, the history of Uzbekistan, the National Independence Idea: basic concepts and principles, and fundamental and specialized subjects based on an in-depth program, and who are recognized as "talented students."
3.2. Education is carried out based on the results of pedagogical-psychological tests and the decision of the Faculty Academic Council, where groups of talented students are formed and study under a special in-depth curriculum.
3.3. The targeted in-depth curriculum is developed in collaboration with the academic department, dean's offices, and departments, by identifying the abilities of talented students, and is created at the beginning of each academic year (by September 20th) with additions to the general (main) curriculum and is submitted to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Innovation for approval.
3.4. Deepening the teaching of selected subjects (providing in-depth knowledge) may be achieved by expanding the curricula of these subjects, taking into account the students' abilities. Organizing the education of talented students must be aimed at developing their independent learning skills.
3.5. The academic advisor (mentor), in cooperation with the talented student and the teachers of the subjects intended for in-depth study, develops a special program and thematic plan.
3.6. Educational activities with talented students are carried out in the form of round table discussions, discussions of assigned personal tasks, master classes, seminars, and other forms aimed at engaging students.
3.7. All conditions are created for talented students to use the university library and the international internet system. The library administration is obliged to provide talented students with the necessary literature, based on their needs.
3.8. An academic advisor is appointed to talented students, based on recommendations from the dean's offices or departments and through a competitive selection process. The mentor, in cooperation with their student, creates a plan of expected results to be achieved by the end of the academic year, and this plan is approved by the Faculty Council.
3.9. The Department Council approves the talented student's creative work plan and recommends the student for study in in-depth groups to the University Rector. The Department Council discusses the reports of the academic advisor, or, if necessary, the talented student's reports on the implementation of their academic and creative plans at least once during the academic year. If the results of the mentor's work with the student are deemed unsatisfactory, they are given necessary advice and recommendations, or the Faculty Dean, with a decision from the Faculty Council, recommends to the University Rector that the student be transferred to general studies.
3.10. The Dean monitors that student studying in in-depth groups are actively working according to the plan and that all conditions for study are created for students in the departments. The department and the student's mentor, in cooperation, determine the deadlines for submitting control work, coursework, and other academic tasks for the student.
3.11. The methods for submitting current, mid-term, and final assessments in subjects and completing the curriculum are determined in cooperation with the talented student who is being taught under a special program, taking into account their creative plan. The student is provided with the necessary literature, methodological guidelines, and technical resources to master the subjects, a consulting teacher is assigned for them, and the results are accepted within the specified timeframe.
3.12. Classes in second foreign languages, information technology, the history of Uzbekistan, the National Independence Idea: basic concepts and principles are conducted according to an approved special schedule. Classes in in-depth subjects are determined based on the progress of assigned individual tasks, in cooperation with the academic advisor or consultant.
3.13. Talented students who have achieved high results may be given the opportunity to attend classes in certain subjects based on an individual plan (with the consent of the teacher), according to the recommendation of the Department.
3.14. Students with high ratings and professors who have worked effectively and achieved high results in the in-depth curriculum are recommended for incentives in accordance with the established procedure.
4. Selection of Professors and Teachers Working with Talented Students
4.1. Highly qualified professors and teachers with academic degrees and sufficient knowledge in the program for targeted preparation of students are involved in teaching talented students.
4.2. Professors and associate professors with experience in creative and methodological work and high ratings in teaching-methodological and scientific activities are appointed as academic advisors for talented students.
4.3. The following are defined as the main tasks of academic advisors when working with talented students:
- To develop and supervise the implementation of a program for the targeted preparation of talented students;
- To ensure that by October 30th of the 3rd year, talented students have the topic of their "Graduation Qualification Work" approved by the responsible department and have an academic advisor assigned;
- To study the best practices in leading foreign countries for working with talented students and apply them in their work;
- To widely use new innovative pedagogical technologies, computer and video-audio equipment in the educational process;
- To submit proposals for material and moral incentives for talented students who are successfully implementing the targeted program.
5. Criteria for Evaluating the Achievements of Talented Students
5.1. Points and activities awarded to talented students
5.2. Professors and teachers whose students have scored higher than 70% of the average value of the total points in the Hemis system for their work with talented students, and who are working effectively, are recommended for honorary titles of the university and additional salary.
5.3. Talented students who do not submit the necessary documents (report, patent, published article and abstract, diploma, etc.) required to determine the points in the Hemis system in accordance with the established procedure and within the specified timeframe, will not receive points.
6. Encouraging Talented Students and Their Mentors
6.1. The university administration may recommend talented students who are deeply engaged in studying subjects and actively participating in scientific research for the following:
- Participation in prestigious national and international competitions and other events;
- Participation in the Presidential Scholarship of the Republic of Uzbekistan, nominal state scholarships, and various local and international competitions; for talented master's students to work as research teachers in departments or to continue their studies in basic doctoral programs;
- For talented undergraduate students to continue their studies in master's programs.
- Other forms of material and moral incentives provided by law;
- Professors and teachers who have achieved high performance and results in training talented students are recommended by the university administration for the following:
- Material (one-time payment up to 2-3 times the amount of the scholarship) and moral incentives from internal university resources;
- Participation in the "Best Teacher of the Year" National Competition;
- Sending for professional development, internships, and exchange of experience in educational and scientific institutions of foreign countries;
6.2. Establishment of additional payments;
- Other forms of material and moral incentives provided by law.
- Talented students and their mentors can be additionally incentivized based on the university's resources.
- Commissioning enterprises, organizations, and institutions may award scholarships to talented students.
7. Organization, Management, and Control of Activities for Searching, Identifying, and Purposefully Preparing Talented Students
7.1. The Department for Organizing Scientific Research Activities of Talented Students is engaged in the work of searching for, identifying, and purposefully preparing talented students. The Department operates under the leadership of the University's Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation.
7.2. The Department submits reports on its performance results and relevant information to the University administration in the established format and timeframe.
7.3. The activities of the Department are coordinated and controlled in the established procedure by the University administration and the Governing Board.
8. Concluding Provisions
8.1. This Regulation may be revised if additions and amendments are made to the current legislation.
Talabalar uchun tashkil etilgan tanlov, ilmiy va amaliy loyihalar katalogi
Iqtidorli talabalarning nafaqat ilmiy, balki innovatsion loyihalari ham e’tiborga loyiqdir. Shu sababdan innovatsion sohalarda faoliyat olib boruvchi hamda ushbu sohaga qiziquvchi yoshlarni har tomonlama qo‘llab quvvatlash hamda rag‘batlantirish maqsadida innovatsion ishlanmalar ko‘rgazmalari va tanlovlari tashkil etilmoqda.
Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligi hamda Toshkent shahar hokimligi tashabbusi bilan “Bitiruvchi va talaba-yoshlar” loyihasi doirasida tashkil etilgan Toshkent shahridagi Oliy ta’lim muassasalari talabalari o‘rtasida “Media loyihalar” tanlovida Maktabgacha ta’lim yo‘nalishi Ingliz tili 2-fakulteti 4-bosqich 2001-guruh talabasi Allashova Umida Baxromovna 3-darajali diplom, “Eng yaxshi maqolalar tanlovi”ning Toshkent shaxar Oliy ta’lim muassasalari (shahar) bosqichida Ingliz tili 2-fakulteti 1-bosqich 2317-guruh talabasi Rashidova Ruxshonaxon Rustamjon qizi faxrli 3-o‘rin sohibi hamda 2024-yil 18-may kuni INNO innovasion o‘quv va ishlab chiqarish texnoparkida “Made in Univer” innovasion ishlanmalar ko‘rgazmasida Gid hamrohligi yo‘nalishi Tarjimonlik fakulteti 3-bosqich 2147-guruh talabasi Sardorbek Xushnudbekov ko‘rgazmada “StudUb” loyihasi bilan faxrli 3-o‘rinni qo‘lga kiritdi va 800 000 so‘m miqdoridagi pul mukofoti sovrindori bo‘ldi.
Shunigdek, Yoshlar ishlari agentligi tomonidan tashkil etilgan “Eng yaxshi volontyorlik loyihalari” tanlovida Tarjimonlik fakukteti 3-bosqich talabasi Guljamol Shoquchqarova Kamol qizi ham o‘z loyihasi bilan ishtirok etdi hamda loyihasini moliyalashtirish uchun 33 810 000 so‘m miqdorda pul mablag‘i ajratildi.
Toshkent shahar IIB Madaniyat saroyida “Xitoy tili ko‘prigi-23” butunjahon xalqaro talabalar musobaqasining Respublika bosqichida Sharq filologiyasi fakulteti 3-bosqich 2101-guruh talabasi Mashanlo Zaynab Ramazon qizi Gran-pri(oliy o‘rin)ni, 4-bosqich 2007-gurux talabasi Abenova Balnur Nurseit qizi 2-o‘rinni, 4-bosqich 2007-guruh talabasi Yunusov Muxammadtoxir Yusuf o‘g‘li 3-o‘rinni qo‘lga kiritdi qo‘lga kiritdi.
O`zbekiston davlat jahon tillari universiteti Xalqaro jurnalistika fakulteti talabasi Usmonov Otabek Muzaffar o`g`li isde`dodli yoshlarni qo`llab-quvvatlash “Ulug`bek” jamg`armasi, Oliy ta`lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligi hamda Qashqadaryo viloyati hokimligi tomonidan tashkil etilgan “Mirzo Ulug`bek vorislari” Respublika tanlovining Qashqadaryo viloyati bosqichi g`olibligini qo`lga kiritib, Respublika bosqichida faol ishtirok etdi va uning loyihasi umumiy hisobda 120 million so`m miqdorida moliyashtirishga tavsiya etildi.
Talabalar o‘rtasida hamkorlik va almashinuvni rivojlantirish, fransuz tili va madaniyatini targ‘ib qilish maqsadida butun dunyo bo‘ylab frankofon alyanslari talabalari uchun tashkil etilgan “Défi Inter-Alliances 2024” tanlovining birinchi va ikkinchi bosqichlarda Roman-german filologiyasi fakulteti 2-bosqich FFRA-2203 gurux talabasi Pirnazarova Sevara Doniyor qizi faxrli birinchi o‘rinni qo‘lga kiritdi. Uchinchi bosqichda Sevara O‘rta Osiyo vakili sifatida ishtirok etib, Okeaniya davlatlari bilan kuch sinashdi va 1-o‘rinni egalladi. Shu tariqa, u Parij shahrida bo‘lib o‘tadigan oxirgi bosqich finaliga yo‘llanma qo‘lga kiritdi.