1. The Office of the Uzbekistan State World Languages University (later referred to as the office in the text) is part of the organizational structure approved by the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 23, 2013 “on measures to improve the activities of the Uzbek State University of world languages”No. 1971 and is directly subordinated to the rector of the University.

2. The work of the office is aimed at ensuring the discipline of proceedings and execution at the University and organizing the process of preparation of documents and timely delivery to those responsible.

3. The office works in its activities in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and other acts of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, decisions and orders of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions, orders and other regulatory acts of the Ministry of higher and secondary

4. The office schedule of the devonhouse consists of a manager, business owners, a courier and an archivarius.

Each employee of the office is responsible for the task attached to him and operates on the basis of the instructions of the position.

5. The composition of the offices of the devonhouse is determined at the limit of the total fund of funds and salaries allocated to the University. The head of the office is appointed and dismissed by the rector of the University.

6. The mill is financially responsible for the seal bearing its name, the University corner stamp, and the manager is charged with the responsibility of keeping them in an iron safe.

II. Functions and functions of the office

7. The following are the main functions of the devonhouse:

improvement of the system of work at the University and work with documents,

implementation of organizational and methodological, coordination and control work on the optimization of the document management system, work with proceedings and documents, as well as on the issues of archival work on the activities of the structural units of the University,

preparation and registration of documents in accordance with the current standards and regulations,

control over the work with documents at the university as well as their implementation,

introduction of new methods of organizing work and proceedings with documents using modern Information Communication Technologies,

8. The devonhouse performs the following functions to perform its assigned functions:

ensuring the process of working and maintaining documents at the University,

timely clearance of entry and exit documents, preliminary processing and delivery to performers by relevance,

carrying out the correct formalization and control of the execution deadlines of documents,

documents of current proceedings, including the registration, storage and delivery of orders and other instruction documents of the rector of the university to the relevant executive units, the formation of a collection of documents and their preparation and submission to storage,

development and implementation in practice of instructions and other regulatory legal acts for working with documents and proceedings at the University,

methodological guidance on the organization of proceedings in university units, the storage of documents and the control of the transfer of assemblages to the archive on time, preparation of information to the management on whether the documents will be completed on time or not,

preparation, release, reproduction and distribution of Service documents,

participation in the organization of production, express, hardware and other meetings held by the management of the University, maintenance in the organization of these meetings, registration of business travel documents,

preparation and introduction of information and analytical information on the development of documentation of university activities, as well as improvement of executive discipline,

sending a response letter to the diploma validity questionnaire (electronic questionnaire),

registration of appeals from individuals and legal entities (in cooperation with the responsible) in a special notebook, distribution to those responsible after the permission of the rector and control over its execution,

participation of the university leadership within its competence in the preparation and execution of management and guidance decisions, assignments, etc.,

to carry out other functions based on the goals and objectives set by the university within its competence.

III. Devonhouse rights

9. The office has the following rights to carry out the tasks assigned to it:

acquaintance with documents and other information materials coming to the university within the framework of its competence, systematic registration and admission for use in work,

to request relevant information and information from university management and departments to carry out the tasks and functions assigned to it,

within its competence, the study of the state of work and proceedings with documents in university units and the Coordination of their activities in this regard,

to return the draft forms of regulatory legal acts not prepared in the prescribed manner to the performers for the elimination of shortcomings, as well as to advise on the elimination of shortcomings,

to make proposals to the management for improving the system of working and maintaining documents at the university, as well as to provide information on the work performed,

in the framework of its activities, it is necessary to hire the necessary specialists and change the position of the office,

within the framework of its activities, to make proposals to the management of the University on improving the skills of the staff of the devonhouse, material and spiritual stimulation, and the implementation of disciplinary measures,

participation in the meetings that will be held at the University.






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The statute of the Office
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