As you know, our delegation consisting of Rector's Advisor P. Jorayev, Dean of the Faculty of Roman-Germanic Philology H. Khakimov and Deputy Dean A. Khalillayev is currently in Spain.

The members of the delegation signed a number of agreements on the establishment and development of cooperation relations with a number of universities and reached agreements beneficial to the students and professors of our university. 

Today, on June 1, our delegation continued its work and held talks with Mr. Antonio Rafael Pena Sánchez, the representative of the rector of the Jerez campus of the University of Cadiz, Spain, Xavier de Coz Ruiz, the coordinator of social, cultural and international projects, and the management of the tourism faculty. As a result of the negotiations, starting from the new academic year, representatives of the university will hold online seminars twice a month and provide free access to the online fund of the largest international library of the University of Cadiz for students and professors of the State University of World Languages ​​of Uzbekistan. agreement was reached. 

Also, if the faculty of tourism will be opened in our university, the management of the faculty of tourism of the University of Cadiz announced that they are ready to cooperate fully with our university.

2024-06-03 02-02

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