Scientific Seminar for Discussing Doctoral Dissertations will be held at 10:00 p.m. on March 20, 2025 in offline and online format via ZOOM platform


Scientific seminar for Discussing Doctoral Dissertations of the PhD dissertation by Baybabaeva Shoirakhon Ismatovna presented for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on Philological Sciences in the specialty 13.00.02. – Theory and Methodology of Teaching and Upbringing (the English Language) on the theme “Developing Discourse Competence of the Pre-service English Teachers Based on Flipped Learning Technology”.

Zoom link:

Conference ID: 81477463805

Access code: 2025

Scientific supervisor:

Muradkasimova Kamola Shukhratovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor


Kushiyeva Nodira Khabibjonovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor

Ashurov Alisher Abdimavlonovich, Doctor of Philosophy on Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor

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