The defence of the dissertation of doctor of philosophy (PhD) on philological sciences will be held at the meeting of Scientific Council
at 12.00 p.m. on December 28, 2024.
The defence will be held offline and online
The defence of the PhD dissertation by Khodjakhanov Muzaffar Mukhtarovich is presented for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on philological sciences in the specialty 10.00.06 – Comparative literature, comparative linguistics and translation theory and practice studies on the theme “Comparative study of concepts and terms of marketing (on the material of English, Russian, Uzbek languages)”
Zoom link:
Conference ID: 81597837707
Access code: 2024
Dzhusupov Makhanbet, Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor
Official opponents
Siddikova Iroda Abduzukhurovna - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor
Ayakulov Nurbek Abdugappоr ugli - Doctor of Philosophy on Philological Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor