On October 13, the Translation Faculty organized next roundtable discussion on the topic "The Uzbek language is travelling around the world" dedicated to the 34th anniversary of the granting of the status of the State language to the Uzbek language. Avakova Raushan, professor of the Al Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Kudyarova Sholpan, Ph.D., associate professor, participated in the roundtable discussion as guests.
Also at the event, Dean of the Translation Faculty, Ph.D., associate professor U. Yuldashev, professors and teachers of the Department of Uzbek language and literature: professor Sh. Yuldasheva, associate professor N. Ziyanova, teacher D. Eshankulov, Students of groups 2305, 2312, 2316, 2313, 2314 in Bachelor of Translation Theory and Practice also participated.
Dean of the Faculty Ph.D., Assoc. U. Yuldashev gave a speech about the international relations activities of the university, the opportunities created for the exchange of professors, teachers and students, future plans, the development of the Uzbek language, the Uzbek language teaching at the Al Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU) of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Avakova Raushan, professor of the Al Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, gave a lecture on "The issue of education and linguistics in the modern world". She reflected on the role of education in the modern world, the positive attitude of young people to science. It was also emphasized that the cooperation of the Uzbek and Kazakh peoples in the field of education should be further developed.
2023-10-13 08-11